Providing certified copy of Service Book to a Government servant who asks for it on quitting Government service, by retirement, discharge or resignation

Whether the above rule is still available? Whether Rs.5/- is modified for supplying a copy of service book to the retired officials?

Providing certified copy of Service Book [Government of India decision No.(5) below GFR 81].

4.16 A certified copy of service book may be supplied on payment of a copying fee Rs.5/- to a Government servant who asks for it on quitting Government service, by retirement, discharge or resignation.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 12 (6)-E. IV/54, dated the 31st January, 1955 and No. F. 12 (16)-E. IV/60, dated the 9th May, 1961. ]

4.02 Maintenance of Service Book and Leave Account

(i) Service Books should be maintained by Administration Section for all staff of the office from the date of their first appointment to Government Service. A photograph of the Government Servant has to be affixed on the first page of the Part-I of the Service Books. The Service Books of the members of the office will be kept in the custody of Asstt. Audit Officer (Admn) Section in the safe custody (locked boxes or almirah). The cost of the Service Books should be borne by the Government. The Service Book should not be returned to the Government Servant on retirement, resignation or discharge from service even in cases where the Government Servant might have paid the cost.
(G.I.M.F. OM No.12(6)-E.IV/54 dt.31st January 1955) and CAG Lr.No.1325 TAI/1295-71 12-9-72 P.32 File IRLA/72-74 EBIV)
A certified copy, however of a service book may be supplied on payment of copying fee of Rs.5/- to a Govt. servant who asks for it on quitting Govt. service by retirement, discharge or resignation.
(G.I.M.F. OM No.F.12 (16)-E. IV (A)/61 dt.2-5-1961)
For supply of certified copy of service book to Gazetted Officer a copying
fee of Rs.5/- is to be charged. The copying fee should be accounted for under the appropriate

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