No. 27-02/2024-PO
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (PO Division)
Dated: 6 July, 2024
Subject: Operational guidelines for Bulk customers of registered articles.The Department of Posts has taken various steps/ initiatives for facilitation of its customers and providing ease of doing business through its vast network, from time to time. Taking this forward, the Department of Posts has decided to re-define the bulk customer, introduce the advance deposit facility of postage and generation of bulk invoice in respect of registered postal articles for the customers, keeping in view, the requirements majo put forth by the customers and field units after implementation of the direct taxation in the registered postal articles in the recent past.
2. Operational guidelines:
A Bulk customer in respect of Registered articles shall be any person or an entity who provides Rs. 10,000/- Rs. ten thousand only (exclusive of applicable taxes) worth of business of Registered article in a calendar month at a single booking office.
Director of GPO/Divisional Head/Chief Postmaster/ Senior Postmaster/ Manager/In-charge of Business Processing Centre (BPC) (Group "B" or higher)
3. Customer Registration:
3.1 The customer has to apply to the designated authority in the format prescribed at Annexure A for registering as a Bulk customer with Department of Posts to avail the service, along with the documents viz. Identity proof, address proof, GST number, PAN theve Card or TAN Number etc.
3.2 The bulk customer would identify the Booking Office from where he/she would render the registered articles for booking.
3.3 The designated authority of Office of Posting will receive the duly filled application form along with the necessary documents from the applicant. The designated authority shall, after due verification, acknowledge the application and would forward two copies of the application, along with relevant documents, to the approving authority with his/her recommendation.
Designated Authority:
3.4 The Designated authorities will be as follows:
Office of Posting Designated Authority
Sub Office Officer in Charge
HO/ MDG (upto HSG - I) Officer in Charge
HO/ GPO (Group 'B' & above) Supervisor (APM/DPM) of Counter
RMS units/ MBC HSA
3.5 The approving authority shall examine the application and would approve/ reject the application and send one copy of the application duly approved/ rejected to the designated authority. The second copy of the application would be retained by the approving authority. The office of 'Approving Authority' would maintain the record of disposal of all such cases received along with copies of application sent by the designated authority. A register will be maintained at approving authority in the format given at Annexure D.
3.6 The approving authority shall be Director of GPO/Divisional Head/Chief Postmaster/ Senior Postmaster/ Manager/In-charge of Business Processing Centre (BPC) (Group "B" or higher).
3.7 The approving authority will allot customer code and send a copy to designated authority concerned and the customer.
3.8 The Approving Authority will arrange to create Customer ID by logging in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) portal using his/her credentials. The Customer ID should be communicated to the respective Designated Authority/booking office and customer along with the excel file format prescribed for bulk booking.
3.9 The Designated Authority shall enter Recharge Date, Customer ID, Payment Mode, Amount to recharge through System software. A receipt shall be generated and will be given to customer against payment received from him.
3.10 The Approving Authority will, after review the business of these customers, will arrange to delete the Customer IDs which have not provided any business for more than 3 (three) months. Approving Authority will arrange to make necessary entry in relevant column in the format given at Annexure D.
3.11 Credit facility and discount will not be available for the Bulk customers who avail the service.
3.12 Advance deposit customer will have to open a deposit account with minimum amount of Rs. 1,000/-.
4. Booking
4.1 All the booking of Bulk Customers shall be made through System software only. No manual booking is allowed.
4.2 Bulk customers have to present the consignments for booking at a single centre.
4.3 The Bulk Customer shall provide the articles along with booking data in the MS- Excel format prescribed for bulk booking..
4.4 Booking office shall issue a provisional receipt to the customer in lieu of number of articles in the format annexed as Annexure B.
4.5 Articles presented by Bulk Customer shall bear following information on the face of the article:
4.5.1 'Registered Bulk Article' in superscription
4.5.2 Full name & address of the addressee with PIN code and Mobile number (if any)
4.5.3 Full name & address of sender and Mobile Number, if any
4.5.4 Barcode sticker pasted/printed as per allotted series by the booking office, if any.
Now yogis LA9 4.5.5 Customer ID as allotted by the Department of Posts
4.5.6 Weight of article
4.6 Before uploading the softcopy provided by the customer, the booking PA shall check the physical articles to verify the actual weight of articles (physical or volumetric as the case may be) and the destination PINCODE with that noted on the soft copy provided by sender and also check all the articles to ensure that information as mentioned in para (6.4) above is furnished on the article.
4.7 Once articles are physically verified, the same will be booked in the system software and transferred to the dispatch branch for further processing and dispatch.
4.8 No individual (article-wise) receipt shall be generated for booking of articles handed Bvit over by the Bulk Customers. The consolidated receipt generated for the booking in system software should be printed and signed by the supervisor. A copy of the same should be handed over to the customer. One office copy should be retained till the preservation period.
4.9 The existing law, rules, regulations, instructions etc. on the subject shall scrupulously be followed in respect of booking of the postal articles under this facility.
5. Payment options
5.1 Payment at the time of booking: Bulk customers who does not want to avail advance deposit account facility for booking of their articles, can make the payment at the time of booking. In such cases, articles shall be prepaid and the amount will be deposited against the Customer ID/Account created for the purpose.
5.2 Advance Deposit facility: Customer may opt to avail advance deposit facility. In such a case, Approving Authority will take necessary action to create Customer ID in CRM as detailed above. The amount of advance can be deposited in the designated Post Office. After confirmation of the credit particulars, the approving authority should credit the advance deposit amount in the CRM portal for Advance customer. Once balance in the account is approaching the threshold limit, customer will get it recharged. Such accounts can be recharged by paying either in cash, cheque/Demand Draft (subject to realization).
6. Monthly Statement
6.1 A monthly statement comprises of details of all the invoices /receipt generated against a particular customer, in a month shall be generated on the 1st of every month through the system software.
6.2 The copies of the statement shall be sent to all the concerned viz. Customer, Divisional Office, Head Post Office of payment Post Office, Approving Authority at once.
6.3 In the scenario of non-generation of statement in the System software, the billing office may provide manual statement with proper GST calculation and rounding off on the "Value of Supply" as per GST Act, to the Bulk customer.
6.4 The concerned HO will send the copy of statement in turn to Circle PAO along with monthly cash account for further necessary action.
7. Head of Accounts: -
7.1 Revenue realized from Bulk customer will be classified under the Existing Head of Accounts already opened /allotted for respective registered articles.
7.2 Role of different units of the Department relating to the Bulk customer as far as Accounting Procedure is concerned are given below.
8. Role of Booking Office
8.1 The Booking office shall maintain a separate Register (Annexure C) for all Bulk customers in which separate pages will be allotted for each customer. Day-to-day transactions for booking of articles will be incorporated customer-wise into their respective accounts. The pages of the register are to be numbered serially.
8.2 The booking office will prepare monthly statement (four copies) in respect of revenue realized under the scheme customer-wise. The booking Office will forward the copy of statement to Customer, Divisional Office, Post Office where the customer/biller has desired to make the payment and one copy to HO. Concerned HO will send the copy of statement in turn to Circle PAO along with monthly cash account for further necessary action.
Role of Account Office/Circle Office/Postal Account Office:
8.3 All information is available in the system software for viewing by Accounts Officer, CO & DAP.
9. Preservation / Inspection of records
All the records pertaining to the Bulk customers will be preserved for two years after the closure of the account.
10. Review
Regional Postmaster General and Chief Postmaster General would review the bulk bookings of the registered articles in their Region/ Circle.
11.Standard Accounting Procedure (SAP) for advance customers and GL Accounts for the registered articles are also implemented in the system software. The clearance of customer balances for advance deposits is automated.
12. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Gokul CV) ADG(PO)
1.All Heads of Circles/Addl. DG, APS
2.CGM (BD) /CGM (PLI)/CGM(Parcel)/Director (RAKNPA)
3. GM CEPT with request to modify the system software, if required, in tune with revised guidelines for Bulk customer for registered articles.
4. All Regional PMSG
5. All DDSG in Postal Directorate/Secretary (PSB)
6. All Directors in Postal Training Center
7. All BPCs
Copy to:
1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)
2. Sr. PPS to DG (Posts)
3. PPS to Members

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