Merger of PA (SBCO) with PA (PO) cadre in Department of Posts

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts

The Chief Postmaster General, All Postal Circles
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001 July 29, 2024


Subject: Merger of PA (SBCO) with PA (PO) cadre -reg.

References have been received from various Circles wherein they have forwarded representations of PA (SBCO) who are willing to switch over to PA (PO) cadre after expiry of the timeline prescribed by the Directorate i.e 30.06.2023.

2.In this regard, Competent Authority has decided to authorizeHead of the Circle to accept the request of such PA (SBCO) officials who submit written request to switch to PA (PO) cadre subject to following terms and conditions:

i. PA(SBCO) officials opting to switch over to PA(PO) cadre shall be placed below all the officials who are holding the post in PA(PO) cadre on the date of issue of order for such switch over by the Circle.

ii. In case orders for two or more PA(SBCO) officials are issued on the same day, their inter se seniority in PA (PO) cadre shall be in the same manner as in PA(SBCO) cadre

All other terms and conditions, which are not contrary to what have been mentioned in Para-2 above, as mentioned in letters no. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP dated 16.11.2022 & 23.12.2022 shall remain the same.

Signed by Yours faithfully, Vangara Prasad

Date: 29-07-2024 17:12:45
(Vangara Prasad)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


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