No. 27-06/2024-PO
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (PO Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001.
Dated: 19.07.2024
(1) All Heads of Circle
(2) Addl. DG, APS Directorate
(4) Director, RAKNPA
(5) Director, PTCs
Subject: Framing of Regulations under the new Legislation - The Post Office Act, 2023.
The Post Office Act, 2023 (43 of 2023) has come into force w.e.f. 18th June, 2024 vide notification in the Gazette of India bearing no. S.O. 2352(E) dated 17th June, 2024, thereby repealing the Indian Post Office Act, 1898.
2.Consequent upon formulation of a new legislation "The Post Office Act, 2023", a set of rules and regulations needs to be framed.
3. During a review meeting, Hon'ble Minister of Communications have expressed emphasis upon enhancement of customer experiences and improvements in operational efficiency. Also, new set of regulations are required to be framed, keeping in view the global trends and standards offered by the private entities.
4. The first and foremost step of framing regulations is to identify the products/services to be offered by the Department. For this purpose, the products/services being presently offered by the Department needs to be rationalised.
5. Keeping in view, the necessity, simplification and customer needs in respect of products/services to be offered by the Department, a tentative list containing products/services, brief, proposed action, and rationale (copy enclosed) has been formulated by the Committees which was constituted for rationalisation of products and services of DoP and formulation of regulations.
6. It is therefore, requested to examine the said list, keeping in view, requirement in field, market trends etc. and submit inputs/suggestions on the same by 25.07.2024 positively. Also, any other relevant inputs to be incorporated in the new set of regulations may also be submitted.
7.This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Encl.: as above.
Copy for information and necessary action w.r.t. para 6 above: -
(1) CGM (Parcel)/(PLI)/BD&M Directorate
(2) All DDSG, Dak Bhawan
(Vivek Kumar Daksh)
List of Mail Products/ Services of | the DoP | |||
SI. No | Existing Product/ Service | Brief on Product ( existing) | Proposed Action (Retain/ Merge/ Omit) | Rationale for Proposed action |
1 | Letters | Letter, a traditional mail product, means any communication, which is enclosed in an envelope and addressed; | Retain | Comes under Universal Postal Service segment |
2 | Letter Cards | communication is contained on a sheet of paper with prescribed size & folding | Retain | Comes under Universal Postal Service segment |
3 | Postcards | an open communication on a card of prescribed size. | Retain | Comes under Universal Postal Service segment |
4 | Postcard containing printed communications | A postcards shall be deemed to contain a printed communication, if any matter (except the name and address of, and other particulars relating to, the sender and the place and date of dispatch) is recorded by any process intended to make more than one copy or impression | Omit. Merged with Postcard | A separate product against a mode of imprinting a communication Minor difference leads to confusion in field units and customer grievances |
5 | Competition Postcards | A post card shall be deemed to be a competition post card if it is so embossed or marked and is used in response to competition organized on or through Television, radio, Newspaper or any other media | Omit | This was used to reply to any competetions/quiz on TV/Radio/newspaper etc. There is no use of this postcard after advent of mobile phones/ Internet |
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