Convening of DPC for the post of Private Secretary in the Department of Post for the vacancy year 2020 onwards

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001 Dated:207.2024
1.All Chief Postmasters General
2. Director, RAKNPA Ghaziabad/ All Directors PTCs,
3. CGMs, PLI/ BD&M

Subject: Convening of DPC for the post of Private Secretary in the Department of Post for the vacancy year 2020 onwards. Reg.

I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to Establishment Division's Order No. 33-2/2018-PE-II dated 08.01.2020 vide which Private Secretary cadre has become Circle cadre from All India Cadre.

2. Accordingly, the Circles are hereby requested to provide duly circulated circle level seniority list of Stenographer Grade I yearwise starting from 01.01.2020 to 01.01.2024 to this office as per the enclosed format, within a period of 10 days on priority basis with due approval of CPMG by adopting the criteria as prescribed in SPN Section letter dated 07.12.2020 (copy enclosed).

3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Encl.: As above.
Yours faithfully,
(Sunil Kumar) Director (Staff)
Copy to: GM, CEPT Mysore with a request to upload the letter on India Post website.

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, 
New Delhi- 110 001. 
Dated December 7, 2020

1. All Head of Postal Circles.
2. The Director RAKNPA, Ghaziabad/All Directors PTCs
3. CGMS, PLI Dte/ BD&M Dte


I am directed to forward herewith FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF STENOGRAPHER GRADE-I as on 01.01.2017 prepared on the basis of information received from Circles after adopting following criteria:-

The date of regular promotion order or effective date of promotion in Stenographer Grade-I whichever is earlier;
b. in case of a tie, the date of regular promotion order or effective date of promotion in Stenographer Grade-II whichever is earlier;
c. in case of a tie, the date of joining in Stenographer Grade-III;
d. in case of a tie, the date of birth of the official;
e. in case of even tie in the date of birth of the official, the name of the officer in the alphabetical order.

2. The Final Seniority list of Stenographer Grade-I as on 01.01.2017 enclosed herewith may be made available to all concerned officials. This Seniority list is also being uploaded in India Post website.

Encl: as stated

Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Copy to:
1.Director (Staff) for information and necessary action.
2.GM(CEPT), Mysore for uploading the letter along with enclosures on the India Post



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