Holding of Circle Level Dak Adalat on 26/06/2024 at Tamilnadu Circle
à¤ारतीय डाक विà¤ाग / Department of Posts
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, तमिलनाडु परिमंडल, चेन्नई-600002
Olo Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennal - 600002
1. The Postmaster General, Chennai City Region, Chennai - 600 002.
2. The Postmaster General, Central Region, Tiruchirapalli - 620 001.
3. The Postmaster General, Southern Region, Madurai-625 002.
4. The Postmaster General, Western Region, Coimbatore - 641002
5. The Postmaster General (Mails & BD), O/o the Chief PMG, Chennai - 600 002.
6. The Sr. Superintendent RMS, Airmail Sorting Division, Chennai - 600 016.
7. The Sr. Superintendent RMS, Chennai Sorting Division, Chennai - 600 008.
8. The Superintendent RMS, RMS 'M' Division, Chennai - 600 008.
9. The Superintendent, Foreign Post, Chennai - 600 001.
No. PG/5-4/2024 (Vol. 1) dated @ Chennai - 600 002 the 29.05.2024.
Sub: Holding of Circle level Dak Adalat - Reg.
Circle level Dak Adalat is scheduled to be held on 26.06.2024 (Wednesday) at 1100 hours in the Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002. Copy of Press release is enclosed.
The grievances received for Dak Adalat will be sent to the Regions / Units on the same day of receipt at this office. The Regions / Units are requested to send their final report within 3-days of receipt of grievances. As the last date for receipt of grievances at the Circle office is fixed as 18.06.2024, all the cases received till that date is to be settled and reply is to be sent to this office.
It is further requested to give wide publicity by displaying the details of conducting of Dak Adalat at Circle office in all the Post offices.
Encl: As above
Asst. Director (PG, Inspn. & Philately)
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय O/o Chief Postmaster General
तमिलनाडु परिमंडल / Tamilnadu Circle w/Chennai-600002
Copy to:
1. The Asst. Director (Tech), O/o the Chief PMG, Chennai - 600 002. It is requested to update the details of Circle level Dak Adalat in Tamilnadu Postal Circle website.
2. The Asst. Director (Admin), O/o the Chief PMG, Chennai - 600 002 for information and necessary action.
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