Child Care Leave (CCL) Rulings - Short notes

CCL Child Care Leave
→Eligibility - Female employees as well as Single Male Employees.
→Maximum 730 days during the entire service.
CCL is sanctioned to take care of 2 eldest surviving children.
→ CCL is not admissible if the child is 18 years of age or older.
→ For disabled children there is no age limit.
→ CCL is not debited to any leave account.
→For the first 365 days full salary will be paid.
→ For the next 365 days 80% of the salary will be paid.
→CCL can be combined with any other kind of leave, maximum of one year.
→Holidays falling during CCL are counted as CCL.
→In a year only 3 times CCL is sanctioned.
→ Every time it should not be less than 5 days CCL.
→ CCL cannot be demanded as a right.
Without sanction one cannot proceed on CCL.

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