Usage of HIARM Menu of Finacle CBS and amendments to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual - Regarding.

Para No. Amended Text
Note below Para 42(1) The Head of Division (irrespective of Class of the Division) and Group 'A' Postmasters can sanction the claims up to Rs.25,000/- in each case regardless of the aspect of recovery of the loss subject to the condition that sanctioning authority has to ensure that there has not been any negligence on the part of the defrauded person in contributing to the fraud and also that settlement of claim will not cause any hindrance in concluding the enquiry, fixing responsibility and taking appropriate action against the officials at fault. These powers will be exercised personally by the Divisional Heads. Chief Postmasters / Deputy Chief Postmasters (equivalent to the rank of Divisional Head) and Senior Postmasters (other than officiating Deputy Postmasters / Assistant Postmasters) shall also enjoy the powers of the Divisional Head for sanctioning the claims related to loss and fraud cases, in respect of the claims pertaining to the concerned HO/GPO. Regional Directors / D (HQ) / PMG / CPMG as the case may be, are vested with powers to sanction claims without any limit. (Postal Directorate Letter No. 17-07/2017-Inv dated 05.06.2023)
42 (2) Immediately on receipt of the sanction for restoration of amount, the Head Postmaster should send the proposal for restoring the principal amount through back value dated transactions as per the SOP circulated in Lr. No. 116-53/2018-SB dated 16.03.2021, for crediting the principal amount in the respective account. After restoration of principal amount in the account, interest should be credited by using HIARM menu by Supervisor SBCO with suitable remark. The net loss sustained by the department in respect of principal amount (arrived at after taking into consideration the deposits and withdrawals not accounted for by the departmental official) and interest thereon should be entered in the schedule of unclassified payment (UCP) by per contra entry as deposit (Total amount) in the list of transactions. Complete details of the charge should be given in the remarks field of the account and in column 3 of the schedule of unclassified payment to enable the Postal Accounts Office to classify the amounts properly.
61 (2) Whenever the Supervisor SBCO receives the orders from Divisional Head / Sr. Postmaster / Chief Postmaster / Director GPO for correction of balance with respect to Interest amount, in any POSB account, he/she will enter the details of correction in register as prescribed below.
  For making adjustment of Interest amount, Supervisor SBCO will login to Finacle and invoke HIARM menu and will make correction entry for the amount mentioned in the orders. (i). For Debiting / Crediting the interest, SBCO can adjust the amount by making suitable correction in HIARM by entering the interest amount to be adjusted, select Debit / Credit Interest as "D - Debit or C - Credit", Select Run indicator as 'C - Credit' (for both Debit and Credit) & Applicable From Date as on '31-03-xxxx'. A single entry in HIARM will suffice for debit or credit, after which CBS- CPC concerned, will execute HACINT for HIARM entries. (iii). The effect of adjustment entry will be applicable after running of interest on this account i.e. on 31st March or at the time of closure of Account. In case, the effect of adjustment entry is required before 31st March or before closure of the Account, Postmaster of HO will send email to CBS-CPC concerned from Official email id mentioning the details of correction for updation of balances. Scanned copy of Divisional Head orders will be attached for reference.
Appendix XVI- 5(ii) Whenever the Supervisor SBCO receives the orders from Divisional Head / Sr. Postmaster / Chief Postmaster / Director GPO for correction of balance with respect to Interest amount, in any POSB account, he/she will enter the details of correction in register as prescribed below.
Appendix XVI - 5(iii) For making adjustment of Interest amount, Supervisor SBCO will login to Finacle and invoke HIARM menu and will make correction entry for the amount mentioned in the orders. (a). For Debiting / Crediting the interest, SBCO can adjust the amount by making suitable correction in HIARM by entering the interest amount to be adjusted, select Debit / Credit Interest as "D - Debit or C - Credit", Select Run indicator as 'C - Credit' (for both Debit and Credit) & Applicable From Date as on '31-03-xxxx'. A single entry in HIARM will suffice for debit or credit, after which CBS- CPC concerned, will execute HACINT for HIARM entries. (c). The effect of adjustment entry will be applicable after running of interest on this account i.e. on 31st March or at the time of closure of Account. In case, the effect of adjustment entry is required before 31st March or before closure of the Account, Postmaster of HO will send email to CBS-CPC concerned from Official email id mentioning the details of correction for updation of balances. Scanned copy of Divisional Head orders will be attached for reference

File No. FS-10/8/2022-FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts (F.S. Division)
SB Order No. 03/2024
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 
Dated: 14.05.2024
All Head of Circles / Regions

Subject: Usage of HIARM Menu of Finacle CBS and amendments to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual - Regarding.

HIARM is a menu in Finacle CBS, prescribed for Interest Adjustment. Any adjustment made in any POSB account is accounted under the Account Head pertaining to the Interest. It has been observed that the said menu is being used to adjust the balance differences and restoration of defrauded amount including principal and interest, in accordance with the procedure prescribed in POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021). This leads to the incorrect accounting of the adjustment related to principal amount in interest account head.

2. In order to eliminate the discrepancy in the accounting, competent authority has decided that HIARM should strictly be used for adjustment of interest amount only.

3. In case of any correction with respect to the balance in the account related to the principal amount, action may be taken by the Circles to get the same corrected relaxing the back value date parameter. The procedure as prescribed in the Lr. No. 116-53/2018-SB dated 16.03.2021 shall be followed for relaxation of the back-value date parameter (Copy attached for reference).

4. Accordingly, the procedures/ guidelines prescribed in POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) are amended as Annexure-I.

5.This may be circulated to all the offices for information and necessary actions. Circles may instruct their supervisory staff to monitor and get these instructions complied strictly to avoid grievance of the customers.

6.This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Devender Kumar Sharma) Assistant Director (SB-II)

Copy to: -
1. Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)
2. PS to Director General Postal Services.
3. PPS/ PS to Addl. DG (Co-ordination)/Member (Banking)/Member (O)/Member (P)/ Member (Planning & HRD)/Member (PLI)//Member (Tech)/AS & FA
4. Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi
5. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate/ CEPT
6. Sr. Deputy Director General (Vig) & CVO) / Sr. Deputy Director General (PAF) 7. Director, RAKNPA / Directors of all PTCs
8. Director General P & T (Audit), Civil Lines, New Delhi
9. Secretary, Postal Services Board / All Deputy Directors General
10. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP
11. The Under Secretary, MOF (DEA), NS-II Section, North Block, New Delhi. 12. The Joint Director & HOD, National Savings Institute, ICCW Building, 4 Deendayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002
13. All recognized Federations / Unions / Associations
14. Guard File/e-File.

(Devender Kumar Sharma) Assistant Director (SB-II)

F.No. 116-53/2018-SB
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts 
(FS Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001, Dated:- 16.03.2021
All HoCs

Subject: Revised procedure for submission of proposal for relaxation of back value date parameter

With reference to the above mentioned subject, the undersigned would like to intimate that the procedure circulated by this office for submission of proposal for relaxation of back value date parameter vide letter of even number dated 07.03.2019 (copy enclosed) has been re-examined at this end.

2.The revised procedure for submission of proposal for relaxation of back value date parameter is as under :-

(i)The Circles shall forward the case to Financial Services Division, Dak Bhawan with the specific recommendation of Head of Circle for relaxation along with the following document / information.
a. Details of the case
b. Reason for seeking relaxation of back value dated transactions
c. A copy of the complaint received from the customer, if any.
d. Details of disciplinary action taken against the erring official(s) including Supervisors, if the relaxation sought is due to negligence of the staff.
(ii) Once the request is received with above mentioned documents/information, the same will be examined in this office and will be forwarded to the CEPT, with a copy to concerned Circle, for relaxation of back value parameter at their end.

3.In addition to the above, it is requested to issue necessary instructions to all concerned to strictly monitor the Office Account viz. SOLID+00382 to avoid complaints regarding delay in opening of accounts and delay in credit to Customers' Accounts.

4.This issues with the approval of DDG (FS).

Copy to:-
The CGM, CEPT for information.
(Puneet Bijaraniya)' ADG (FS-II)

File No. 17-7/2017-Inv (Computer No. 3100334)
No. 17-07/2017-Inv Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001. Dated:05.06.2023
All Heads of Postal Circles/Regions.

Subject: Regarding revision of sanctioning limits related to claim cases arising out of Loss and Fraud Cases in the Department of Posts.

The limits to sanction the claim cases, by the Divisional Heads (irrespective of class of Division) and Gazetted Postmasters Gr. A, arising out of loss and frauds, were last revised to Rs.5000/- vide this office letter no. 8-5/2003-Inv. (Pt) dated 5/6.6.2003.

2.A need for revising the aforesaid limit was felt and accordingly the same stands revised with the approval of the Competent Authority, as below:

i. Limits to sanction claims by the Divisional Heads, irrespective of class of Division, shall be Rs.25,000/- from present Rs. 5,000/- in each case, regardless of the status of the Divisional Superintendents and regardless to the aspect of recovery of the loss subject to the condition that the sanctioning authority has to ensure that there is no negligence on the part of the defrauded person in contributing the fraud and also that settlement of claim will not cause any hindrance in concluding the inquiry and fixing responsibility.
ii. Chief Postmasters, Deputy Chief Postmasters (equivalent to the rank of Divisional Head) and Sr. Postmasters [other than officiating DPM/APM] shall also enjoy the powers of the Divisional Head for this purpose in respect of the claims pertaining to the concerned HO/GPO.
iii. The powers to sanction claims involving above Rs. 25.000/- in each case without any upper limit will be with Regional Director /DPS (HQ)/PMG/CPMG, as the case may be.

3. These powers will be personally exercised by the Concerned Authority.

4.This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Diary No. 29/2023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 05.06.2023.

Copy to:
1. Directors of all Postal Training Centers
2. All Sr. DDsG/DDSG in Postal Directorate.
3. Director (FS).
4. IFW.
5. All GM(F)/DAPs/Dy. DAPs.
6. All the Audit offices.
Generated from eOffice by DINESH, IP(D)Inv-DoP, IP(INV), DOP on 11/07/2023 03:27 PM
(Abhishek Kumar Singh) Director (Vigilance)


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