a) A rebate of 3% will be allowed on franked value, whenever the meter is reset i.e. credit is uploaded in the machine on the value on the impression used provided that this rebate will be allowed for a minimum consumption of Rs. 5000/-. The payment of rebate will be made in cash or through cheque andcharged in the schedule of ‘Postal Revenue Refund in Cash’. The receipt of the licensee or his agent for the said payment will be obtained in the Form ACG-17 in which the following particulars will also be shown:
(i) Ascending Register meter reading at the time of last refund as per old Statement of Mailing upto which rebate has been already claimed.
(ii) Present Ascending Register meter reading as per new Statement of Mailing.
(iii) Total consumption.
(iv) Rate of rebate.
(v) Amount of rebate.
The Franking Machine User can apply for rebate to the Postmaster of the Designated Post Office/ FPO / Incharge of designated mail office on the prescribed form as given in Annexure ‘R’ along with the photocopy of the two Statement of Mailings pasted in his Record Book at the start and end of the period
for which he has sought refund. The claim for refund will be made when the articles are presented at the designated post office for the first time after uploading the credit in the machines.
The correctness of the claim for refund will be checked by the Authorized Officer and Supervisor from the Statements of Mailing containing ascending and descending register values pasted on PO Record Book which will tell the consumption of funds by the machine during the period. The consumption can be calculated by subtracting the reading of old ascending register (given on the last Statement of Mailing) from the reading of new ascending register (given in the latest Statement of Mailing). On this consumption the amount of rebate shall be calculated as per rate of rebate prescribed by the Department of Posts.
The rebate will be sanctioned by Sub Postmaster/Postmaster of Designated Post Office/ FPO Incharge of Designated Mail Office.
The Franking Machine User will bring his Record Book for getting rebate from the Designated Office. A copy of the Form (Annexure ‘S’) after approval shall be pasted in the Record Book maintained by Designated Office and the FMU Record
Book by the Postal Assistant and it will be ensured by the Supervisor that it has been pasted correctly.
b) An additional 2% rebate will be allowed on presentation of pincode-wise sorted frank mails as per conditions prescribed by the Department of Posts.
c) Refund will be made for any impression made in error (less a deduction of 5% on face value) on surrendering the envelopes or wrappers, provided that the impression is legible and that the claim is preferred within one month of the date of the impression. The refund will be sanctioned by the competent authority after satisfying himself about genuineness of the claim on the recommendation of the concerned Postmaster/ Sub Postmaster/ Incharge of Mail Office and licensing authority.
d) The Franking Machine User shall apply to the Postmaster/Sub-Postmaster/ FPM Incharge of mail office for refund of un-utilized amounts in case of a faulty Postal Security Device or cancellation of License in the form Annexure ‘T’ indicating therein last readings of Ascending and Descending Meters and the amount lying un-utilized in the machine. The application/ claim will be forwarded to the competent authority for sanction through licensing authority.
e) The Postmaster/Sub-Postmaster/FPM/ Incharge of mail office will send a monthly statement to the Licensee Authority by 5th of every month in the following proforma
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