(I) Cancellation of licence on request of licensee.

a) In case where the Franking Machine User does not wish to use the Franking Machine any further he shall write a letter (as per Annexure ‘T’ in duplicate) to the Licensing Authority through SPM/PM/FPM/ Incharge of Designated Mail Office requesting cancellation of license and refund of money left in the Franking Machine. PM/SPM/FPM/SA before forwarding the letter to licensing authority will satisfy himself that request is genuine and Statement of Mailing attached is the copy of the last one presented to the Designated Office. No mail franked after the date of submission of application shall be accepted by the Designated office.

b) The Licensing Authority will subsequently access the webpage on the Department’s website and set the status of the said License Identifier to ‘Blocked’ or ‘Withheld’. Then the record on the DCR server will have the License Identifier with blocked status and with all other fields left blank. This leaves the option of reuse of PSD open as and when the original customer wants to reuse the machine after some time or the original customer sells the machine to another user. In any case the PSD reuse shall be possible only when a new license is issued and the information for status change and other update details are sent by the Licensing Authority through web interface. The file thus compiled at the DCR server shall be uploaded by the RMFS Server for updation of the Franking Machine User account in its database and for further relay of instructions to the machine when it dials the server.

c) The Licensing Authority will depute an officer to visit the franking machine user premises to verify that the machine has dialed the server and has been rendered un-operational. He shall verify the register readings in the Franking Machine with reference to the Statement of Mailing received with the application for cancellation. He would also operate the Franking Machine to verify that it cannot print value franks and cannot download money in the machine.

d) The Licensing Authority shall issue orders for cancellation of licence endorsing copy of this to the PM/ SPM/FPM/ Incharge of Mail Office for information and initiating action for refund of un-utilised amount. A suitable entry regarding cancellation of license will be made in the ‘register of licenses issued’ under the signature of licensing authority. The suitable remark as regards cancellation will be made in Designated Office Record Book by the Authorised Officer duly authenticated by the supervisor. Whenever refund of the un-utilized amount is made a suitable remark indicating sanction particulars and amount of refund will be recorded in Designated Office Record Book and FMU Record Book under authentication of PM/SPM/FPM/ Incharge of Mail Office.

(II) Cancellation of license in the cases of violation of condition prescribed for use of franking machine.

a) In case the Licensing Authority wants to cancel a License on suspicion of some misuse of the machine or violation of any conditions prescribed by the Department on receipt of a report from the designated office or otherwise, it shall access the webpage on the Department’s website and set the status of the said License Identifier to ‘Blocked’ or ‘Withheld’. The file thus made at the DCR server shall be downloaded to the RMFS server, so that the concerned franking machine can dial and update its status. The Authorised Officer shall ensure that in such cases the machine has to dial the server for updating its status. The intimation of suspension of License shall also be immediately sent to the Designated office such that no mail franked by the machine is accepted thereafter.

After the confirmation of violation of conditions the licensing authority shall cancel the License and set the status of the said License Identifier to ‘Cancelled’ The Meter when ‘suspended’(Blocked or Withheld) cannot be used for recrediting unless the Licensing Authority sends intimation for activation. It is a temporary measure and can be reversed. The Meter ‘Cancellation’ is a nonreversible process i.e. a meter once cancelled cannot be used for re-credit or franking. In addition to this the meter is programmed through secure software by the Franking Machine Vendor in such a manner so that it cannot print value franks, it only prints an ‘Uninstalled’ impression or it would not print any impression. After cancellation of licence suitable entries will be made in the records i.e. register of ‘licenses issued’ and statement of mailing i.e. Record Book  maintained by licensing authority and Postmaster / Sub Postmaster/ Incharge of Mail Office concerned respectively.

Thus a Franking Machine whose license is cancelled and the status of its License Identifier has been set as ‘cancelled’ on the RMFS Server can be safely left with the customer as it can never be used under any circumstances whatsoever. The Designated Office Record Book shall remain with the Post Office and the Franking Machine User Record Book shall remain with the Franking Machine User. The formats for intimation to the Department of Post Central Resource shall be as per Annexure ‘U’ and ‘V’ and the entries in such cases to be made in Designated Office and Franking Machine User Record Books under authentication of supervisor.

(b) The impression from a machine whose license is cancelled shall either not print any impression or give the print as given below

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