Bulk GL Posting Tool Version 3.5.3 dated 09.05.2024

This tool can be used for bulk GL posting in SAP using ZBF07. It can convert McCamish reports in Excel format to a text file that can be used to bulk GL posting.

Version History:

Ver - dated 09.05.2024
  • GLs for GST on DF have been changed.
  • Option has been added to account for GST on DF only for the circles where GL integration is complete.
  • Some minor bug fixes have been implemented.
Ver - dated 05.04.2024
  • Properly segregate the revival premium into FY premium and RY premium.
  • Properly segregate GST from the initial premium (McZCamish report ignores GST on initial premium).
  • Option added for grouping records into a single document based on date, office, cash account, and document type (Will post documents similar to POSB GL integration figures).
  • Option for exporting records to an Excel file added (available in the bottom right corner of the table).
  • Column for profit center added in the summary report.
  • Able to view the summary of all offices simultaneously.
  • Issue with mapping office names due to unnecessary blank spaces in the McCamish report is fixed.
  • Option for searching GL account head added in both data entry menus for a seamless process.

Ver - dated 01.03.2024

  • Unlocked GLs not related to PLI/RPLI categories. You can delete unnecessary GLs in the GL Config menu.
  • Removed round-off bug in the calculation of GST on DF.

Ver - dated 24.02.2024

  • Improved data-entry windows of both cash and non-cash transactions.
  • Auto-completer help added in data-entry windows for the field remark,
  • Option added for keeping document date same as posting date in the text file.
  • A new window added for viewing the transaction summary.

Ver - dated 16.02.2024

  • Support for Windows 7 included.
  • A separate user-friendly data-entry window included for entering cash documents manually.
  • Old data entry may be used for entering non-cash transactions (eg: adjustments between GLs).
  • Double click on a row to modify the record.
  • A new column added in the GL config menu for easy updates.
  • You can add new GLs using the GL Config window under Config menu.
  • Single text can be generated for more than one day at the same time.
  • PLI/RPLI selection bug for Misc/Loan receipts fixed.
  • Bug fixed in accounting premium collections where there are adjustments between previously paid amounts.

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  • You can now directly upload Excel files downloaded from McCamish. No need to convert it to 1997-2003 format.
  • Last used directory will be opened first while browsing Excel files.

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  • New option added for accounting GST on Default Fee in Upload menu.

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