Article about PoTools Blog - 😭😭

Happy to inform that Po Tools has been restored with more than 20000 articles >>


First of all, thanks to blog for their efforts in removing the PoTools Official blog and SAPost Blog.

Thanks to the articles about PoTools

It is suggested that Title of the above post may be changed as PoTools blog has been removed by PostalStudy

Further, Admin PostalStudy had taken more efforts to attempt to create confusion by launching multiple unwanted websites with similar names (such as PoTools and SAPosts. these are not official potools sites i.e potools[dot]blog & potools [dot]co[dot]in) with your own money from his pocket unnecessarily. This can indeed be misleading for postal employees who are seeking the original PoTools PoTools and SA Post Blog SA Post Blog.

It’s unfortunate that the aforesaid blog admin has invested resources to defame the reputation of the authentic PoTools and SA Posts blog. Such actions can create unnecessary challenges for postal workers who rely on accurate information and updates provided by the original PoTools blog.

In the article mentioned above, the Admin of PostalStudy used the word “abruptly” However, I suggest that the word “expectedly” would be more appropriate. Let’s enter into the complete analysis of the takedown of the PoTools and SAPost Blog.

The PostalStudy Blog played a pivotal role in removing both now available @ and now available @ from June 2022. To provide better context, I have attached the strikes raised by PostalStudy below as evidence of the takedown notice for PoTools. These strikes involve a total of seven articles. It’s important to note that both PoTools and SAPost are willing to promptly remove any content copied from the PostalStudy blog upon receiving a single intimation via email or WhatsApp.

I commend Postal Study once again for their diligent efforts, even though it inadvertently led to the defamation of both the PoTools and SA Posts Blog. Additionally, their blog has been instrumental in educating us about modern technologies, including the DMCA and other cutting-edge advancements.

This information is intended for all postal colleagues

Many blogs uses my content in their sites and I never raise a single complaint against them. Ultimate aim of the article created by Admin PoTools is to reach everyone. From the above context we have to learn little more about people and technology.

Copying the content is Offence and foolish means what name shall be given for copying URL and logo of PoTools and altering the content of PoTools. 

Once again reiterated that our Official Blogs are 

SAPosts Official Site
PoTools Official Site

Golden Words and Moral of the Story

Sympathy is probably the easiest and most flexible way to get fame but it is not working all times.

Admin, PoTools

It’s excited to say that the PoTools and SAPosts completely rely on the support of their valuable postal coworkers. It’s heartening to see that the admin, Postalstudy is still consider as a colleague. Encouraging positive interactions and future collaboration is essential for maintaining a supportive community within the postal network. 

Thanks to everyone. Knowledge is always wealth.


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