Updation of rates of allowance in EIS salary module with increased DA rates to 50%

Ministry of Finance 
epartment of Expenditure E.II(B) Section


Subject: Updation of rates of Allowances in EIS Salary module with DA rates increased to 50%

Attention is invited to O/o Controller General of Accounts ID Note No. TA-2- 03002(02)/4/2020-TA-II (e-4434)138 dated 15.03.2024 on the above subject and it is mentioned that as already clarified to CGA, vide, DOE I.D. of even number dated 04.08.2021 the position is very clear in the respective O.M.s and no separate order is being issued in the matter. The same position is reiterated.

2.The Office of the Controller General of Accounts may take action of revision for rates of such allowances in EIS Module of PFMS, in accordance the enhanced rate of DA at the rate of 50% effective from 01.01.2024.

3.This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

(A. Bandyopadhyay)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Tel: 23095709

Olo Controller General of Accounts, {Asstt. Controller General of Accounts (TA)}, D/o Expenditure E-Block, GPO complex, INA, New Delhi

D/o Expenditure (M/o Finance) ID No. 2/5/2017-E.II(B) dated 20.03.2024

Copy also forwarded for information to:-

(i)FA (DS), Ministry of Defence with regard to CGDA

(ii)Ministry of Railways ((Financial Commissioner)

(iii)Ministry of Home Affairs (Pr CCA),

(iv)Department of Posts (ADG (Budget)

(v)Department of Telecommunications (Director DFU/Accounts-I)

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