Tenure Transfer of Continuing SBCO Officials – AISBCEU Letter to Directorate


(Service union under Dept. of Posts)
CHQ UNION WEBSITE: http://www.aisbceu.blogspot.in
E-Mail: aisbceuchq@gmail.com
[HQ - No.112, 1" Main Road, Thilagar Avenue, Madipakkam, Chennai-600091]


Shri Vineet Pandey,
Secretary [P]
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001
MAIL: secretary-posts@indiapost.gov.in

Sub: Tenure Transfer of Continuing SBCO Officials - reg.

Ref: SR-02/1/2023-SR-DOP (part-3) dtd 10.11.2023.

With due respect this union represents the cited above subject for your kind consideration and favorable orders. Kindly refer to the letter cited above by which minutes of the periodical meeting under the chairmanship of DG(Postal Services) was circulated. Even though it was intimated that necessary instruction/guidelines will be issued at the earliest for transfer of continuing SBCO officials, till now, no such guidelines were issued (Items no 3). Now Circles and Regions are required to post the existing SBCO officials on completion of their tenure.

Three sampled cases are quoted below in which only one regular PA SBCO official work in an entire region.
1. Sri.Siva Prasad, PA SBCO, Kurnool HO under Kurnool Division, Kurnool Region of Andra Pradesh Circle.
2. Sri.Rajesh Malaviya, PA SBCO, Khargone HO, Khandwa Division, Indore Region of Madhyapradesh Circle.
3. Sri.Ramesh Naik, Karwar HO, Karwar Division, North Karnataka Region of Karnataka Circle. In r/o officials in Sl no 1, two HOs are there under Kurnool Division, 16 HOS are there under the Kurnool region. All the merged posts will be filled with PA POS on tenure basis. On completion of tenure of regular SBCO PA Sri.SivaPrasad, there won't be any other vacant PA SBCO post in his cluster for giving as choice station. Already all other posts in the cluster or even region will be already occupied by PAPOS. Cluster system was introduced in order to limit long distance transfer of SBCO officials. Hence we request that the existing officials may be rotated with in the division from one HO to another HO or they may be permitted continue at the same HO as SBCO is a non-sensitive post. It is pertinent to mention that Accountants in postal division are rotated in HOS and divisional office of same division only. Hence it is requested that in all HOS one PA(SBCO) to be available where no SBCO Supervisor is available.

And also it is requested to clarify that
1. Whether tenure of SBCO is three years or four years. It is seen that for some circles, tenure is four years, and for some circles it is three years. Kindly confirm the actual period.

2. If one PAPO and Regular SBCO PA is working in SBCO branch, who will be considered as In charge SBCO. Whether the one having more service in PA cadre(no relevance to category) or the regular SBCO PA who, sometimes be junior to PAPO working in SBCO branch.

Favour of order is awaited.

Thanking you Sir.
With regards,

Copy to: 
1. Director General (posts), Dakbhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001.
2. DDG, SR & Legal, Dakbhawan,Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001.
3. DDG, SPN, Dakbhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001.


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