Special Error Book 4.1 with MS Office excel support 2007 & above

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Special Error Book 4.1 for Excel 2007 and above : Download

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-Thanks to the developer

Importance of Special Error Book as per Rule

How long the special error book to be maintained as per Compendium Preservation and disposal of records?
In HO, the Counter/Ledger Assistant should circle the entry in the Interest statement against the relevant account number in which interest is posted in the passbook and also enter the account number in the system under the option interest posting. If any transaction is noticed by the Counter/ Ledger Assistant to have taken place in an account at a ED sub office and branch office in account after the 31st March and the pass book has not been received and its non submission is not suitably explained vide para (2) above, he should note the fact in the Special Error Book to be maintained in the following form:-

Primary Source: POSB Manual Vol-I

As per latest POSB (CBS) Manual 49. Calculation and posting of annual s.b. Interest and posting of interest in pass books in head/sub post offices

(5) In Head Offices and Sub Offices, when for the first time a pass book is presented after 31st of March for any purpose, the amount of interest should be entered in the pass book by updating the entries by printing. The depositor can get the pass book updated in any CBS post offices. 

In respect of accounts of branch offices in account, Account Office, on receipt of Pass Book from BO, will update passbook from Passbook printer. The head/sub offices where the BOs are attached, should generate list of BO wise accounts and as and when pass book of any account belonging to BO is printed, place a round in red ink in the account number manually in the list.

While posting BO transactions in Account Office, if the designated Postal Assistant have noticed that any transaction is taken place after 31st March and in the list mentioned in (5) above, the entry is not rounded, he should note the fact in the Special Error Book to be maintained in the following form: -


A call letter should be sent to BO for sending the Passbook for entry of interest by Account Office and date of sending that letter should be entered in Column No.4 of the above Error Book. The GDS SPM/BPM should be asked to obtain and submit the pass book within a week and a copy thereof should be sent to the Divisional Superintendent for noticing the irregularity. If the GDS Sub Postmaster has not started submitting the pass books then the irregularity may be noted as a general one. If the pass book is still not received, the Account  office should address the depositor by registered post through a letter in the format given below. Particulars of the letter will be noted in column 5 of the Error Book against the
account concerned. The Superintendent of Post Offices will take serious notice of the irregularity. Care should be taken to see that the address on the registered letter is complete.

The Special Error Book will be examined every day by the SPM/APM.


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