Regarding HSG II Accountant Promotion

Letter to Chief PMG objecting the latest HSG II Accountant promotion orders. Seniority issue is
pointed out

The Chief Postmaster General,
Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai 600 002.
Dated: 17.04.2024

Respected Madam,

Sub: HSG II Accountant promotion-reg.

Kindly refer to our letter no 23/CU/ 2024 dated 16.4.24 about the non-promotion of some senior LSG APM ACCOUNTS and further issuing the place of posting by the respective authorities after considering the pending request of the officials who are due for RT and other request transfer in deference to Para (c) of Dte letter number f. No. X-12/3/20232-SPN-II dated 03.08.2023.

With regard to our observation over non promotion of seniors of LSG cadre, we may kindly be permitted to add our plea further as below.

Undoubtedly the promotion in accounts line from PA cadre is from the feeder cadre of Circle Gradation of PAs with 5 years of service and restricted those who are qualified in PO & RMS Accountant exam to LSG posts in accounts on the basis of seniority cum fitness. (Non-selection) Hence the order of inter-se-seniority of PA cadre is reflected and kept intact for LSG gradation list also. The same must be the order by which the promotion to HSG II is required to be adhered to as per the RR.

On contrast, the recent HSG II promotion order by CO stands to convey that some of the juniors in LSG feeder cadre have been promoted and the seniors to them have been denied promotion.

We presume that the non-consideration of the seniors is due to want of the 3 years of minimum qualifying service as accountant as per the RR issued in the year 1976. So, the date of assuming the promotional post in LSG becomes crucial to count on but in no way, it could be uniform since the relief and assuming charges as LSG varied from division to division.

In order to undo this kind of infirmities where senior is bound to suffer a deficiency of the required minimum length of service qualifying him for promotion when junior is considered, a concrete instruction has been issued by DOPT in the year 1996 and reiterated from time to time to the effect.

"Where juniors who have completed their qualifying/eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying/eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying/eligibility service"

It is therefore inherent in the dictum of natural justices and also a mandated instruction for promotion where the inter se seniority of basic cadre is the criterion for the order of consideration by DPC convened to select promotees based upon seniority cum fitness.

The following are some of the plausible contingencies by means of which the seniors are doomed to acquire the shortage of minimum qualifying service

a) Belated relief and assuming of the promotional post beyond the control of the official is concerned. (In fact, one can seek time limit to join promotional post up to 6 months without compromising the order of selection in the selection list recommended by DPC).

b) The juniors who are in the currency of adhoc promotion already in the promotional if promoted on regular basis the date of assuming the post will begin from date of commencement of adhoc promotion. (Even pay re fixation has to be done accordingly).

c) Promotion Next below rule for officers on deputation to other departments or ex cadre posts the junior's length of service is taken for.

In order to mitigate the shortcomings in cases of above nature only the statutory relaxation to the tune of half of the service by junior becoming due promotion is mandated for compliance.

It is therefore requested that all seniors in the LSG account gradation list (who have been denied promotion while juniors are promoted) be included in the promotion list and revised selection order released by keeping the present one released in abeyance.

Thanking you

Yours Sincerely,




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