No. 13028/30/2021-Delhi-I
Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs
North Block, New Delhi Dated the April, 2024
The Chief Secretary
Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi Secretariat,
I.P. Estate, New Delhi.
Sub.: Contempt Petition(s) reg. non-compliance of Hon'ble CAT's Order in OA No. 776/2019 regarding grant of notional increment on 1st July/1st January to those retired from service on 30th June/31st December respectively from the purpose of calculation of pensionary benefits and other similar matters- reg.
I am directed to refer to communication dt. 09.02.2024 alongwith GNCTD file No. DE.2(4)/(36)/2023/E-II/Pt. file on the subject noted above. This Ministry agrees to allow one notional increment on 1st July/1st January to such eligible employees of Government of NCT of Delhi who retire from service on 30th June/31 December, respectively, for the purpose of calculation of pensionary benefits, in respect of those employees only who fulfill all other conditions of qualifying service etc. for grant of such increment.
Government of NCT of Delhi may take further necessary action at their end. File No. DE.2(4)/(36)/2023/E-II/Pt. file is returned herewith in original.
Yours faithfully,
Encl.: As above.
(C.P. Vinod Kumar)
Tel. No.: 23093608
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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