POS Application access error due to connection terminated abnormally

In Post Offices, while start database the SQL Anywhere Network Server Connection terminated abnormally. client socket shutdown. Full Connection details listed below
POSTALPOS_BO SQL Anywhere Network Server SQL Anywhere Network Server Version Advanced Edition
Copyright 2013 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
Use of this software is governed by the Sybase License Agreement.
Refer to http://www.sybase.com/softwarelicenses.
Connection limit (licensed seats): 50
Processors detected: 1 (containing 4 logical processors)
Maximum number of processors the server will use: 1 physical processor(s), 2 core(s)
This server is licensed to:
Running Windows 7 Build 7600 on X86 (X86_64)
Server built for X86 processor architecture
8544K of memory used for caching
Minimum cache size: 8544K, maximum cache size: 1403844K
Using a maximum page size of 4096 bytes
Multiprogramming level: minimum:4, current:20, maximum:80
Automatic tuning of multiprogramming level is enabled
Starting database "POSTALPOS_BO" CENPOSTALPOS_BONPOSTALPOS_BO.db) at Wed Apr 24 2024 17:06 Database recovery in progress
Last checkpoint at Wed Apr 24 2024 16:57
Checkpoint log...
Transaction log: POSTALPOS_BO.dblog...
Starting checkpoint of "POSTALPOS_BO" (POSTALPOS_BO.db) at Wed Apr 24 2024 17:06 Finished checkpoint of "POSTALPOS_BO (POSTALPOS_BO.db) at Wed Apr 24 2024 17:06 Recovery complete
Database "POSTALPOS_BO" (POSTALPOS_BO.cb) started at Wed Apr 24 2024 17:06 Database server started at Wed Apr 24 2024 17:06
Trying to start Shared Memory Ink....
Shared Memory link started successfully
Trying to start TCPIP link...
Starting on port 5555
TCPIP link started successfully
Now accepting requests
Connection terminated abnormally: client socket shut down Disconnected TCPIP client's Appinfo: HOST-WEG19163DT001 Cache size adjusted to 726336K
SAR Advanced Edition

Due to connection terminated abnormally, the client socket shutdown then POS application in the network is not accessible. Follow the solution to overcome the above problem 
  • Open Command Prompt in Administrative Privilege's 
  • Type the following Command line by line then press Enter
CD C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 16\Bin64\
dblic.exe -l perseat -u 250 "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 16\Bin64\dbsrv16.lic" "DOP" "TCS"

By executing the above command, the dblic.exe install and authorize the user accessibility through network licensing per-seat to 250.


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