Procedure for selection of candidates for the post of PA / SA on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination

No. W-04/8/2022-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi, dated 26th October, 2023

The Chief Postmasters General

All Circles
Subject:- Procedure for selection of candidates for the post of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant (PA / SA) on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination — regarding.
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II dated 31.12.2021 which inter-alia provides that selection of candidates for appointment as Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant through examinations conducted by Department shall be done by preparing a single merit list at Circle level for each cadre and after preparation of merit lists, selected candidates shall be allocated Division as per merit vis-a-vis order of preference exercised by the candidate subject to availability of vacancy in a Division.

2. In this connection, Competent Authorty has approved that while exercising preference for Cadre / Division / Unit, eligible candidates appearing in the examination for PA/SA shall first give order of preference for Cadre and then give order of preference for Division / Unit. For example, a candidate appearing in the said examination may exercise his/her preference in following order: –


Cadre associated with Division / Unit

Order of Preference (1/2/3)

Postal Assistant (Circle Office and Regional Offices)


Postal Assistant (Post Office)


Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service)

3. A candidate shall be considered against a cadre if a cadre has been opted by him/her, subject to fulfilling the eligibility conditions. For example, an applicant will be considered for Postal Assistant (Post Office), only if option is given for Postal Assistant (Post Office) cadre, otherwise his candidature will not be considered while preparing merit list for Postal Assistant (Post Office).

4. After giving order of preference for cadre, candidate shall give order of preference of Division / Unit for which they intend to be considered. A candidate shall not be considered for a Division / Unit for which preference has not been submitted by him/her.

5. Candidate will be considered for the 1st preferred cadre for all opted Divisions / Units followed by 2nd preferred cadre for all opted Divisions / Units and so on.

Yours faithfully,

(Dileep Singh Sengar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)

Copy to:-Director (DE), Dak Bhawan.
GM, CEPT for uploading the order on India Post website.


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