No further recovery of arrears of 7th CPC by DDOs until Directorate clarification is received - TN Circle instructions
O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-600002
All the Regional PMSG of
Tamilnadu Circle,
The Chennai Sorting/Airmail Swi Post, Chennai
ERMS M vision/MMS Chennai/Foreign
No. APA/CCS(RP)2016/2023 digs dated at Chennai-02 the 15.11.2023
Sub: CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016-oppurtunity for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure-clarification- reg
Ref: DOPT Lr No. 02-17/2022-PAP dated 31.01.2023.
This office letter of even No. dated 04.07.2023
This is regarding CCS(Revised Pay) Rules 2016-oppurtunity for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure-clarification circulated vide Directorate letter cited above. It has come to the notice of this office that many DDOS who have paid the arrears to some officials have started recovering of the same from the pay and allowances.
It is to intimate that clarification has been sought from the Establishment section of the Directorate regarding payment of arrears due to revision of option exercised to come over to revised pay structure, CCS(RP) rules, 2016.
All the DDOS of Tamilnadu Circle are hereby instructed not to make further recovery of arrears paid in this regard and however pay may be regularized But for implementation of the Directorate instructions, until clarification is received from the Directorate/ O/o GM(PA & F), Chennai.
For the officials who are going to retire, the pending recovery amount has to be withheld from the DCRG.
This has the approval of the Chief PMG Tamilnadu Circle.
(K. Sriram)
Accounts Officer, O/o Chief PMG,
Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-600002
Copy To:
- The General manager (PA & F) for information w.r.t Ir No. 1537/PA-XI/Service Book/Digs/2023-24 dated 11.09.2023
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