Points to Remember Cadre Decision Making in PA/SA CGL 2022

Points to Remember Cadre Decision Making in PA/SA CGL 2022

PAPO: This is the most common cadre service for Postal Assistants. PAPOs are responsible for a wide range of clerical duties at post offices, such as sorting mail, receiving and delivering parcels, and maintaining records. They may also be responsible for customer service, such as helping customers with inquiries and problems.

Pros of Joining the PAPO

● EASY TRANSFERS: the chances of going back home from south state is highest in PAPO
● Most common cadre service, so there are more job opportunities available e.g. Foreign Post Office , PA MMS
● Chances of Earning Extra Income. E.g. Postal Insurance 

Cons of Joining the PAPO

● Slow Promotion
● Less study hours than RMS
PA CORO: PA COROs work in circle offices, which are larger administrative units than post offices. They perform similar clerical duties to PAPOs, but they may also be responsible for more specialized tasks, such as processing mail, preparing financial statements, and managing inventory.

Pros of Joining the PA CO/RO

● The benefit of PA CO/RO is that as it is an administrative office, working days will 
only be 05 (Monday to Friday). But the working hours is more in a day 9AM to 5.30PM hence total time given in a week by PAPO or PA CO/RO is same.
● Limited Public Dealing Cons of Joining the PA CO/RO
● Negligible Chance of transfers in upcoming Recent years: As already large  no of People are recruited through CGL22 and Very less vacancies in North.
● So if you are north Indian guy stuck in the Southern States like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, or Maharashtra. Avoid preferring CO/RO as if you got one, it will be very difficult to come back home.
Points to Remember Cadre Decision Making in PA/SA CGL 22
● More Time Hours: The office timings in CO/RO is more than PAPO
● More responsibility and variety of work than PAPO.
● Slow Promotion


● "If you want to have a good chance of being transferred back home, you should avoid joining PA CO/RO."
● "The working hours in PA CO/RO are much longer than in PAPO or RMS. Are you sure you're up for that?"
● "The level of responsibility in PA CO/RO is much higher than in PAPO or RMS. Are you sure you're ready for that?"
● "Promotion opportunities are slow in PA CO/RO. If you want to move up the ladder, you should consider PAPO or RMS."
● "Have you talked to any current employees of PA CO/RO? What did they say about the job?"
SA-RMS: SA-RMSs work at regional mail center's, which are responsible for sorting mail for delivery to post offices. They work on a conveyor belt system to sort mail by destination.

Pros of Joining the RMS

1. More time to Study as One day will be rest as after one day duty, hence you need to do less work.
2. No Public Dealing: You can complete task with efficiency
3. More chances of transfer than CORO but less than PAPO
4. You will posted majorly in X cities.

Cons of Joining the RMS

1. Untimely hours: If you are married or an early morning person, then you may face problems adjusting your schedule.
2. Physical Work may be more as compared to other cadres


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