IT Project 2.0 - Preparation of SRS for Accounting Technology

IT Project 2.0 - Preparation of SRS for Accounting Technology

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts, 
PAF Wing Tech/CSI Section, 
Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 1st September 2023
The General Manager (F) Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat
The DA(P) Nagpur, North East (Shillong), Hyderabad and Vijayawada

Sub: IT Project 2.0 - Preparation of SRS for Accounting Technology - reg

This is regarding preparation of Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) for Finance & Accounting under IT 2.0. In this connection, please refer to the OM No: PA/CSI/01/152/2022-23 dated 19.05.2023 wherein Committees were formed for the preparation of Functional Requirement Specifications and all PAOS were also requested to provide their inputs to the Committees. The Functional Requirements Document was prepared and approved by the Project Management Committee on 31.07.2023 (Copy enclosed)

2. As part of Project progression towards development, Software Requirement Specifications are to be prepared for the enclosed Functional Requirements document. The Solution development is being carried out by CEPT for which various teams were formed for preparation of SRS. In this connection, a team led by Ms. Rashmi RD, Director of Accounts (Postal), O/o the General Manager (F), Bengaluru is given the task of preparation of SRS for various Modules of Finance & Accounting Solution.

3.For preparation of SRS, Use Cases for each activity in each Module are to be prepared to cover all the requirements. In this connection, your PAO is identified for the preparation of Module Use Cases, and the guidelines for preparation of Use Cases are furnished in Annexure-1. The Source data as mentioned in Annexure-I is sent through eMail.

4.As this is a time bound activity, the requirements are to be clearly articulated. The overall requirements shall be within the framework the proposed solution as mentioned in the FRS. The ACAO/Sr, AO/AO/AAO concerned are expected to dedicate adequate time and put in effort to coordinate and cover the functionalities comprehensively. The Use cases prepared shall be further examined at Directorate and fine-tuned to fit into the overall expected solution.

5. The team shall be led by Ms. Rashmi RD, DA(P), PAO, Bengaluru for completion of the task by 11.09.2023. A regular follow up on the progress shall be reviewed and support required for preparation of Use Cases shall be provided by the PAF Wing.

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority

Sharan. S. Gupt
(Sharon Shefali Gupta) DDG (Budget & Accounts)
Copy to:
1.Ms. Rashmi RD, DA(P), PAO, Bengaluru and Team Lead for information and necessary
2.The Director (IA) / Director (FA) / Director (Accounts) / Director (Budget) / Director (T&C)/ Director (Admin). It is requested to provide Use Cases with respece to the scenarios at Directorate, in the prescribed template for the concerned Module by 11.09.2023




1. Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS): These are broad requirements taken out from the Overall Business Requirements. FRS is classification and grouping of the functions required to be developed under IT 2.0.

2. Software Requirement Specifications (SRS): This forms as a Functional Break Down of each FRS Item to the level of specific activity to be performed in the system to meet the functionality. Group of Cases with various diagrammatic representations viz., Business Process Diagram, Use Case Diagram, Context Diagram etc. and various data requirements, completes a SRS Document. 

3. Use Case: Each Activity with a start point, actors involved (Users as a maker / checker etc.,) Process flow and the end result of the activity, is a Use Case. Each Functional Requirement may have one or more Use Cases

4. Business Process Diagram: Each activity wise Use Case is diagrammatically represented for better understanding for Application development.

5. Module Use Case Diagram: The Overall Functions of the Module, with Users involved (User and Functionality perspective)

6. Context Diagram: It is a diagram with System perspective to show the overall interactions of modules with a specific Module.


1. Identifying Use Case Scenarios for each Module
2. Preparation of Process Flow for each Use Case Scenario


1. Source data for preparation of Use Cases is the "Functional Requirement Specifications" Document, which is attached. (FRS Version 1.0 dated 31st July 2023).
2. Functional Requirements for each Module is sent through eMail for each Module
3. Each Module Wise Excel file contains three sheets.
(a) Functional Requirement Specifications (1" Sheet)
(b) Templates for preparation of Use Case Scenarios for each Module (2nd Sheet)
(c) Template for preparation of Use Case Process Flow (3d Sheet)


A sample Use Case Excel file is attached for better understanding for preparation of Use Cases. 
(a) The Sections concerned from the PAOS shall work together to identify the Use Case Scenarios. For eg: AC Sections of all identified PAOS / PA Sections of the PAOS etc., shall work on the overall Use Cases to avoid repetition of use cases.
(b) The Use Case Scenarios are to be listed for each Module in the Template ("USE CASE SCENARIOS")
(c) The Use Case Process Flow is to be prepared for each Use Case Scenario in the Template ("USE CASE PROCESS FLOW")
(d) Update the progress made to the Team Lead ie., Ms. Rashmi RD, Director of Accounts (Postal) on a daily basis.
(e) Finalize the Use Cases of each Module with
Adhere to the timeline for preparation of the Use Cases


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