File No. SR-10/7/2022-SR(Part)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts (SR Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001 Dated: -08-2023
Secretary Generals of,Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation (BPEF) Federation of National Postal Organisation(FNPO) General Secretaries of,All recognised service Associations
Subject: Submission of Audit Statement of Accounts- reg.
I am directed to refer this office letter No.SR-10/7/2022-SR-DOP dated 03.10.2022, 03.02.2023 and 19.05.2023 regarding the subject noted above and to say that inspite of several reminders, the audit statement which is required to be furnished annually is yet to be received from the following recognised service Associations:
(a)All India Postal Employees Union Postman & MTS.
(b)All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Mail Guards & MTS Group 'C'.
(c)All India Postal Administrative Offices' Employees Union Group 'C'&'D'
(d)All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.
(e)All India Saving Bank Control Employees Union.
(f) National Union of Postal Civil Wing Non-Gazetted Employees. Postal Officers' Association (India).
(g)Postal Engineers' Association.
(h)Bharatiya Postal Civil Wing Non-Gazetted Employees Union. Bharatiya Postal Accounts Offices Employees Association.
It is requested to the above Associations that the same as requested vide this office letters under reference may please be furnished immediately.
3.Now, as per the para6(e) of CCS(RSA)Rules, 1993, all recognised service Associations are requested to furnish the audit statement of accounts for the financial year 2022-2023(which was due on 01st July 2023) to this office without fail for further necessary action.
Yours faithfully,
(Nahar Singh Meena
Asstt. Director General (SR & Legal)
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