FNPO Union Letter to Secy (Posts) regarding supply of infrastructure to BOs
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delh-110001
No. Infrastructure/ BO's dated 03.08.2023
Sri Vineet Pandey JI,
Hon'ble Secretary Posts,
& Chairman Postal Services Board,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi-110001.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Supply of infrastructure to BO's - reg.
My Federation wish to bring to the notice of Hon'ble Secretary Posts that many of the Branch Post offices were not supplied suitable infrastructure. Previously in every year through planning funds nearly 30 to 40 BOS in a division getting infrastructure. As observed in the last year budget it came to notice that only 40 BOs are supplied infrastructure in a Region.
Now we are implementing Project 2.0 and funds are being allotted for that purpose. It came to notice that under this Project provision of infrastructure for PO's. New Tablets are also going to supply and IPPB is one and only financial system available for the rural public. In this scenario we should increase the standard of Branch Post offices also.
Hence I request the Hon'ble Secretary Post kindly initiate steps for supply of following infrastructure for all Branch Post offices.
1. One office Table
3. Weighing Scale
5. Steel Almarah for keeping records 7. Letter Box
An early action will be highly appreciated.
2. Chairs three- one for BPM, ABPM and Customer 4. Cash Chest
6. Name Board
8. Heater/Cooler based on weather condition
Yours sincerely,
(SIVAJI VASIREDDY) Secretary General
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