AIGDSU letter to Directorate : Non-provision of PLI/RPLI business incentive to divisions nationwide.

Non-provision of PLI/RPLI business incentive to divisions nationwide.


President: P.H. Jaiswal.
Padam nagar, Delhi-110007.
General Secretary: S.S.Mahadevaiah

NO, GDS/CHQ/20/1/2023, 
The Chief General Manager, Directorate of Postal Life Insurance, Chankayapuri Post office complex, Chankyapuri, New Delhi-110021,

Dated: 29-08-2023

Subject: Non-provision of PLI/RPLI business incentive to divisions nationwide.
We are writing to bring to your attention a significant concern regarding the non-provision of PLI/RPLI (Postal Life Insurance/Rural Postal Life Insurance) business incentives to divisions across India.

It has come to our attention that despite the grant of PLI/RPLI business incentives, these incentives are being received only by the Local. Officers. They claim that there are no funds available for disbursing these incentives to GDS (Gramin Dak Sevaks). This situation has persisted despite previous correspondence that requests the re-establishment of the Old Code system. We firmly believe that, at the very least, any work already completed should entitle GDS personnel to receive their due incentives based on the old code.

By not providing incentives to GDS employees, a sense of demotivation and dissatisfaction is spreading within the workforce. The hard work and dedication shown by GDS employees in promoting and expanding the PLI/RPLI business should be acknowledged and rewarded appropriately.

Therefore, we kindly request your intervention in this matter to ensure that PLI/RPLI business incentives are disbursed to GDS personnel in accordance with the old code.

Furthermore, we request you to investigate the current situation and take necessary steps to resolve the issue of non-provision of PLI/RPLI business incentives to divisions throughout the country in last few months.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours Sincerely,

General Secretary


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