Procedure for transferring RD account from One Agent to another in Post Offices

Whether can we transfer the RD accounts from one Terminated MPKBY agent into another MPKBY agent? Yes. but you should follow the following steps

(11). Change of MPKBY Agent

(i). Where the RD account has been initially opened through a MPKBY agent, the depositor may seek change of agent in the following cases:

(a). In case of death of the agent through whom the account was opened.

(b). In case of termination of the agency / non extension of the agency of the agent through whom the account was opened.

(c). Change of residence of the depositor either at the same station or by transfer from one station to another

(d). A depositor who opened the account directly by now wants to avail the services of the agent.

(ii). In the above cases, request for change of agent will be sent by the depositor to the concerned Regional Director, NSO (where the account was opened) / Appointing Authority of Agent (Designated Officer of respective State Government) and after the approval to change the agent is granted by the authority concerned, the depositor can utilise the services of that agent. In such cases, new agent can claim commission for subsequent deposits.

(iii). After receipt of such order from the authority concerned, the post office concerned shall change the agent code through RD Account Modification menu and place the order in a guard file.

Source : POSB CBS Manual corrected upto 31.12.2021, Page 267


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