By Entry
मुख्य पोस्ट मास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, आं. प्र . सर्किल, विजयवाडा - 520013-
Office of Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Vijayawada - 520 013Το
à¤ारतीय डाक विà¤ाग Department of Posts – India
The Postmasters General, Kurnool / Vijayawada / Visakhapatnam Region
P&T Administrative Cell, APS Wing, Bde of the GRC, PIN 900746, C/o 56 APO
No.RE/APCO/3-7/LDCE/2023 dated at Vijayawada-520013 the 12.05.2023
Sub:Tentative Vacancy (subject to change) position for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the posts of Postman and Mail Guard from eligible Multi Tasking Staff officials for the vacancy year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023) held on 30.04.2023 (Sunday) - Reg.
Ref: This Office letter of even no. dated 16.03.2023.
In continuation to the Notification issued vide Circle Office letter of even no. dated 16.03.2023, the number of vacancies (provisional/tentative subject to change) available under Recruiting Division/Unit- wise for the vacancy year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023), along with communal break up for promotion of eligible MTS to the posts of Postman/Mail Guard by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for the vacancy year 2023 (01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023), held on 30.04.2023 (Sunday) are furnished herewith in the enclosed ANNEXURE-V for information and for taking immediate necessary action.
There is no change in respect of all other instructions/guidelines issued vide Notification dated 16.03.2023 in respect of the above said LDCE.
DA: as above
6p. Satis सहायक निदेशक (à¤à¤°्ती)
Assistant Director (Rectt)
मुख्य पोस्ट मास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, आं. प्र . सर्किल, O/o Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, FGREIST,Vijayawada-520 013.
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