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Ref: PF/NFPE/Trade Union Facilities
Dated 15.05.2023
Shri Vineet Pandey
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Implementation in true sense and spirit of the provision of Rule 5 (d) (i) of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 - regarding.
Respected Sir,
This has come to the notice of our unions that in different circles some other unions/associations, viz., BPEF and its affiliates and FNPO and its affiliates are in effort to ensure that all trade union facilities are withdrawn from AIPEU Group-C and NFPE consequent after de-recognition since 26.04.2023. Perhaps after de-recognition of Group 'C' and NFPE these organisations are not conscious of their own position. Not only that these organization have no idea and feeling that they are also functioning based on the stay order granted by Chennai High Court on Rule 15 (1) (C) of CCS (conduct) Rules-1964 and that case was also filed by our organization.
However, in this regard, we would like to invite the attention of the administration to the provision of Rule 5(d)(i) of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993. This rule categorically mandates that the minimum membership required for a union to achieve recognition is 35% in its cadre. If one union is recognised with at least 35%, then only another union can be recognised as the second highest if they have minimum 15% membership. Now, as per the latest membership declared by the department, no other single union have 35% or more membership except NFPE and AIPEU Group-C (in Postal Group-C cadre). Therefore, when the union having more than 35% membership is derecognised, there is no place for others to be recognised or get a legitimate platform in the Circle or department as a whole.
Now to be very specific, no affiliate of BPEF has even 15% membership and they are only breathing with the oxygen of the award of limited trade union facilities by the department beyond all rules. In case of FNPO and its affiliates, some of them hang somewhere between 15% to 35%, and in absence of a recognised union having 35% membership, they do not have a chance to claim facilities as if they are recognised.
Therefore, our organisations request you to please invoke Rule 5(d)(i) of CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 and stop providing all trade union facilities to other unions, viz., FNPO and its affiliates and BPEF and its affiliates, with immediate effect. We would also like to emphasize that there is no provision in the CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 to provide limited trade union facility indefinitely in the name of industrial harmony, which is being enjoyed by BPEF and its affiliates.We hope the administration will feel the ethical compulsion of implement rules universally to each and every union/association.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(J. Majumdar) Secretary General
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