Grant of Grace Marks to non-qualified candidates of AAO LDCE 2022- disposal of various representations/communications thereof-reg.
No.301(60)/2023/LDCE 2022/D 5190 to 5294.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications,
Department of Posts,
PA Wing, DakBhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Date: 28.03.2023
Office Memorandum
Sub: Grant of Grace Marks to non-qualified candidates of AAO LDCE 2022- disposal of various representations/communications thereof-reg
This is regarding various representations received from the candidates of AAO LDCE 2022 who failed to qualify in one or more papers and various communications received from staff associations for grant of grace marks in AAO LDCE 2022. The matter has been examined and it is observed that there is no provision of awarding grace marks in the relevant instructions issued for examination and evaluation for AAO LDCE-2022.
In view of the facts and circumstances, it is not feasible for the Department to accept the claim of grace marks to the aforesaid candidates of AAO LDCE 2022. All the representations/communications received in this Department as per Annexure have been disposed of accordingly.
This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Encl: A/a
Copy to
1. PSO to Member (Finance), DCC
2. All applicants concerned as per Annexure.
3. Jt. CGCA, 0/0 CGCA, New Delhi: with a request to publish the OM in the website of CGCA
4. GM, CEPT Mysuru: with a request to publish the OM on the Indiapost website
5. Spare
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