Government of India.
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan: Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
1.All Chief Postmasters General 2.All General Manager's (PA&F)
3.GM (CEPT), Bengaluru
4.All Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Subject: Migration of DoT Pensioners drawing pension from Post offices to 'SAMPANN."
I am directed to say that Department of Telecommunication (DOT) has decided to migrate the DoT pensioners/family pensioners drawing pension from Post Offices to SAMPANN. In this regard, approval of Competent Authority is hereby conveyed to migrate all telecom pensioners in all the circles currently drawing pension from Post offices to "SAMPANN" starting from the month of May 2023 onwards. In order to smooth migration of these pensioners/family pensioners from DoP to DoT (CCAs); roles and responsibility of each office in DoP as well as timeline, are hereby assigned for strict compliance in a time bound manner: -
1.Role and Responsibility of CEPT.
i.The Circle wise list of telecom pensioners/family pensioners to be migrated will be provided by DoP on receipt from DoT/CGCA in the Ist week of the month.
ii.CEPT should verify and ensure that the list of pensioner's ID's as per list supplied, has been freezed in CSI. Any disbursement if found, should be stopped by CEPT while communicating it to the concerned DDO that this payment authorization has been withdrawn and no payment should be made to those pensioners from the month as agreed upon.
2.Role and Responsibility of DDOS/Head Post Offices: -
i.Ensure that no pension is disbursed to DoT pensioner's/family pensioners as shown in the list provided by the PAO and credited to their PO SB Account by Head Post Office's under Department of Posts.
ii.All DoT pensioner's/family pensioner's id's as shown in the list should be freezed /closed in CSI.
iii.All disbursers half of PPOs along with relevant documents are compiled viz. recovery schedule, life certificate detail/non marriage, Income Tax etc. are sent to Postal Accounts offices (PAOs) along with a certificate that no further payment of pension will be made by his office by 20th of the Month.
Suitable note of transfer should be made in the Register of Pension payment order maintained in his office and ensure that no future payment of pension in respect of the pensioners/PPOs migrated will be made after migration.
In case of any disbursement/credit wrongly happened, entry should be reversed and equal amount debited from their PO SB Account.
3.Role and Responsibility of Postal Accounts Offices.
i.To receive all disbursers half of PPOs and other documents from DDOS/HPOS concerned as per the list which will be provided by the DoP in the Ist week of the month.
ii.Suitable entries be made in the Pension Index/check registers and forward the list along with disbursers half of PPOs and documents to the respective CCAS (Controller of Communication Accounts) by 24th of the Month.
iii.Ensure that there should be no booking on account of Telecom pension under Head of Account except or otherwise as per point (i) above. In case, any booking is detected after migration, the same should be got reversed from the DDOS concerned immediately.
iv.Ensure that the outstanding Commission pension/family pension is calculated and raised to respective O/o Controller on payment of DoT of Communication Accounts and realized.
v.PAOS will ensure to submit pension stoppage confirmation to this Directorate by 24th of the Month followed by post. through e-mail id-
4.Following the migration, the pension of migrated telecom pensioner's/family pensioners would be paid directly by the Department of Telecom to these pensioners from the month of migration as per the list provided by DoT to DoP from time to time.
5.This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Asstt Chief Accounts Officer (PEA)
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