Implementation of the recommendation of 7th CPC Commission - Cash Handling & Treasury Allowance

File No.06-4/2018-PAP 
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts: (Establishment Division) 
P.A.P. Section
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001 Dated: 17 October, 2019.
The Chief Postmaster General,, Mumbai 400001

Sub: Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission: Cash Handling and Treasury Allowance - Clarifications.

A reference has been received in the Directorate seeking clarification regarding admissibility of Cash Handing and Treasury Allowance on DOPT OM No - 4/6/2017-Estt. (Pay ID Date 18.01.2019 circulated vide Directorate letter No. 06-04/2018-PAP dated 22.01.2019, on the following issues from Chief Postmaster General Mumbai vide his letter No. Estt/19-1/Cash Handling Allowance/2008-14 dated at Mumbai 28.06.19.

02. The matter has been considered in the Directorate and clarified the queries are as under.
Query No.1. Whether the revised rates of 7 CPC for Cash Handling Allowance and Treasury Allowance are also applicable for cash handling to the Sub Postmasters in single and double handed Post Offices and to those Sub Postmasters in Post Offices where there is no separate Treasury is justified.
Clarification: Not applicable. Already clarified in para 2 (iv) and (v) of DOPT OM No. 4/6/17- Estt. (Pay-II) dated 18.01.2019.

Query No.2: Whether Rs. 700 rate of Cash Handling Allowance and Treasury Allowance is to be granted directly to all eligible operative staff as it fixed for amount <=5 lakh average monthly cash handled or whether it is to be calculated and fixed every year based on the statistics of previous financial year's average quantum cash disbursed for the Treasurers and Sub Postmasters in Post Offices where there is no separate Treasurer is justified.

Clarification: As per para 2(i) of the said OM dated 18.01.2019" the Cash Handling and Treasury Allowance should be reviewed every financial year."

Query No.3. Whether Cash Handling Allowance and Treasury Allowance will be allowed to all Treasurers in big offices if more than one Treasurer is working in those offices.

Clarification: No. Already clarified in pars 2(vi) of the of the aforesaid mention OM dated 18.01.2019 that "not more than one official should be allowed the Cash Handling Allowance and Treasury Allowance in an office."
Assistant Director General (Estt.)
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