à¤ारतीय डाक विà¤ाग
Department of Posts:: India
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, आ. प्र. सर्किल, विजयवाडा ५२००१३ Office of the Chief Postmaster General, A.P.Circle, Vijayawada-520 013
The Postmaster General,
Kurnool/Vijayawada Visakhapatnam Region.
dated at Vijayawada-520013, the 17.08.2022
Subject:- Grant of Children Education Allowance (CEA) - Reg.
Ref:- DOP&T O.M. No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt. (AL) dated 16/17.07.2018.
Kindly refer to the DOP&T Office Memorandum cited under reference on the above-mentioned subject.
In this connection, it has come to the notice of the competent authority that the Government Servants are being instructed to submit the recognition certificates of the schools/ Colleges/ Education Institutes along with their CEA claim and causing inordinate delay in passing CEA claims.
Hence, I am directed by the competent authority to request you to issue instructions to all the concerned sanctioning authorities to abide the instructions issued vide DOP&T O.M. No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt. (AL) dated 16/17.07.2018. If the sanctioning authority is not satisfied with the documents (specified at Para No. 2(b) of said O.M.) submitted by the Government Servant along with the claim, they may take a decision accordingly.
Copy to:-
- Assistant Accounts Officer(A/Cs) मुख्य पोस्ट्मास्टर जनरल कार्यालय, आ. प्र. सर्किल O/o Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle fare/Vijayawada-520 013
- Sri Vasireddy Sivaji, LSG Accountant, Sattenapalli 40 & Circle Secretary, NUPE Group-C, A.P. Circle.
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