General instructions to SPMs / PAs working in POSB Counters / SB Branches

General instructions to SPMs / PAs working in POSB Counters / SB Branches

/Regd Post /

Supervisor, SBCO,
xxxxxxxxxx HPO.

The Postmaster /Asst. Postmaster/ Sub Postmaster

No. SBCO/POSB /Dlgs Dated at xxx HPO – 100001 the 21.04.2023.

Sub: General instructions to SPMs – reg.

The below general instructions may be given to all SPMs to avoid unnecessary increase in SBCO OMs.

While performing voucher checking at SBCO, many irregularities are noticed which leads to raise OMs. Hence to avoid unnecessary increase in number of OMs and also to save time, the below general instructions are requested to be followed by the SPMs positively.

1. As per SB order 22/2022 mobile number is mandatory for all the POSB accounts. Hence all the existing accounts to be seeded with the mobile numbers of the depositors concerned.

2. As per SB order 8/2023 it is mandatory for the depositor to submit his Aadhaar and PAN No. at the time of opening of A/c. Hence all the existing a/c s also to be seeded with the aadhaar number and PAN number of the depositors concerned.

3. As per SB order 26/2020 Para 139 sub para(5) Note 7 “No commission will be paid on the investments received through agents where Agent Receipt book number issued to the customer is not noted on the pay-in-slip and copy of the Agent Receipt Book is not presented along with investment for signature and date stamping by the counter PA”. All such investments will be treated as direct investments. Hence SPMs are instructed to guide Counter PA accordingly.

4. Withdrawal allowed in respect of illiterate account; the certificate is to be produced on both sides duly attested by witness with complete address.

5. SPMs are instructed to maintain separate register for deleted transaction entries in Finacle and copy of the reason for deletion may be forwarded separately to SBCO to avoid OMs.

6. SPM s are instructed to check unverified transactions on daily basis using HAFI menu before giving EOD to avoid unnecessary increase in OMs.

7. In respect of post offices where GL integration is completed manual postings should not be made in SAP. In case of any such manual entry, appropriate D.O sanction/order should be enclosed and forwarded to SBCO along with vouchers.

8. As per SB order 08/2022, NEFT/RTGS facility is available for POSB Account holders. For this, if any NEFT/ RTGS transactions performed at counter at the end of the day, user should forward the NEFT mandate form along with SB-7 form or POSB cheque to SBCO.

9. As per SB order 09/2021, provision of Payment of MIS/SCSS/TD accounts Monthly/Quarterly/Annual interest amount and maturity value of MIS/SCSS/TD/RD/KVP/NSC into account holder’s Bank Account by CBS Post offices has been introduced. Hence, while performing such transactions ECS mandate form along with cancelled cheque leaf/copy of first page of passbook duly attested by the depositor to be attached with account closure form/premature account closure form and sent to SBCO along with vouchers

10. As per Sb order 23/2022, payment of maturity value of SBA type of accounts SB/PPF/NSS/SSA into account holder’s Bank Account by CBS Post offices has been introduced. Hence, while performing such transactions

a) ln transaction remark SOL lD- Scheme- account number should be entered.

b) Copy of the ECS Advice report should be printed and attached to the closure vouchers.

11. As per Sb order 24/2021 CBS CTS cheque clearance, Sub Post Offices to check ledger of concerned office account (0382/0322/0437/BDPVT) on T+2 days using menu HACLINQ to check whether the cheque sent out for clearing has been cleared. If credits are available, sub post offices should open new accounts or complete subsequent deposit transactions in Finacle on the same day.

12. As per SB order 1/2023 The claimant(s) should be sensitized to provide his/her Bank Account/PO Savings Account detail at the time of submission of deceased claim case for transfer of payment and obtain Account Detail/signature on acquittance portion, so that nominee(s)/claimant(s) need not visit post office again to get the payment through cheque. ECS procedure as specified in point No.9 & 10 should be followed.

13. There should not be any correction in the date & amount specified in the vouchers. If any correction occurs it should be attested by the depositor or the same may be destroyed and fresh vouchers may be obtained from the depositor before forwarding to SBCO branch. This will minimize lot of OM s raised for COC/COP.

14. Original SB-3 card / AOF should be attached with closure vouchers. (SB - 7A) . As per SB order 19/2021 and DO lr. No. dt 26.07.2021, SOs have been instructed not to attach revised AOF. Necessary certificate "Original AOF is not traceable after making all efforts" may be given along with KYC of the depositor with SPM attestation.

15. In Finacle, when a TD a/c is closed prematurely value date gets changed automatically to the date of opening of the TD a/c and month with respect to the current month in which the a/c is being closed. Counter PA has to change the value date as date of closure before proceeding for closure. If the same not done it results in excess payment of interest while giving SB credit. Avoid such irregularities.

Supervisor, SBCO,
xxxxxxxxx HPO

If you want, add / modify as your convenience.


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