SSC CHSL 2020 : PA /SA Circle Allotment
F.No. W-04/14/2022-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated 30th January, 2023
NOTICE- Allocation of Postal Circles
Subject: Allocation of Postal Circles to the candidates nominated for appointment to the posts of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant by Staff Selection Commission on the basis of Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination, 2020
Attention is invited to Department of Posts letters No. W-04/14/2022-SPN-I dated 04.01.2023, and 19.01.2023, wherein candidates recommended by Staff Selection Commission (SSC), for appointment as Postal Assistant (PA)/Sorting Assistant (SA), on the basis of Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSLE)- 2020, were advised to submit their preference / option for allocation of Postal Circles.
2. Although SSC has recommended 3137 candidates for appointment as Postal Assistant Sorting Assistant on the basis of CHSLE- 2020, SSC has confirmed nomination of 3136 candidates and their dossiers have been received till date. Postal Circles have been allocated to all 3137 candidates, as per the criteria stipulated in aforesaid letter dated 04.01.2023, irrespective of the status of receipt of dossiers in Department of Posts. All those candidates whose dossiers are yet to be forwarded by the SSC, their candidature shall be subject to confirmation of nomination / forwarding of dossiers by SSC and they shall have no claim over the appointment to the said posts in the Department of Posts. Consequently, in case of candidates whose nominations are yet to be confirmed / dossiers are yet to be forwarded by SSC, the appointing authority shall not issue offer of appointment till confirmation of nomination by SSC and receipt of dossiers by Department of Posts. For any query regarding confirmation of nomination / forwarding of dossiers by SSC, candidates are advised to contact respective Regions of SSC.
3. Postal Circle allotted to all the 3137 candidates can be seen in the enclosed document in the order of rank secured in the final results of CHSLE-2020. Dossiers of the candidates are being sent to Postal Circle concerned for initiating the process of appointment. The candidates are advised that further correspondence, if any, may be made with the Postal Circle concerned.
Encl: As above
(Dileep Singh Sengar)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
(a) All selected candidates of Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination-2020 recommended by Staff Selection Commission, for appointment to the posts of Postal Assistant Sorting Assistant in Department of Posts, Ministry of
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