Request for adequate allotment of Funds to Post Offices

Appeal for adequate allotment of Funds to avoid abnormal delay in payment of wages and settlement of personal claims.


Shri Alok Sharma
Director General
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Appeal for adequate allotment of Funds to avoid abnormal delay in payment of wages and settlement of personal claims.
Kindly recall the discussions our representatives have with you recently on the above subject. Once again it is to mention that we are receiving frequent phone calls from different circles that payment of wages to Casual Labourers, Daily Rated Mazdoors are being badly delayed. Not only that for that departmental employees also for the same reason personal claims like OTA, TA, Medical Bills etc. have not been paid. Even it is learnt that some offices are not in a position to pay monthly rents to the landlords. What we have come to know that the R.E. Funds was so less that most of the Circles/Offices had suffered a lot to bear with financial liabilities. So, now every where there is almost a stalemate situation is prevailing.

Under the above circumstances this Federation urges upon you to intervene into the matter personally so that the ongoing financial problems are settled immediately.

With regards,
Yours sincerely,

(J. Majumdar)
Secretary General

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