Irregular opening of SSA (SSY) accounts by grandparents

No. FS-65/1/2023-FS-DOP
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 09.01.2023

All Head of Circles
Subject: Irregular opening of SSY accounts by grandparents -Reg.
It has come to notice and observed by this office that many accounts (SSA) were opened in the name of minor depositors under the guardianship of grandparents in contravention of rules.
2.To decide further course of action on all such irregular accounts it is requested that

(i)Circles shall identify all SSA accounts and other type of accounts opened by the grandparents in the Circle and submit the details before 15.02.2023. Further, if there is no such account exists in the Circle, a NIL report be submitted on or before the above said date.

(ii). Circles should ensure that natural / legal guardians are not NRI at the time of opening of account. If they are NRIs, such accounts may be closed immediately and deposit may be refunded without interest.
3. Further, Circles may issue strict instructions to all the post offices and inspecting authorities to ensure opening of accounts under small savings schemes without any violation of rules in order to avoid complaints and consequences at later stage.

This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.



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