Finacle and SAP Update 10/01/2023 @1130hrs

Both Finacle and SAP is working normally
FTTH network problem still persists

Finacle server down.
SAP working normally.
FTTH offices still facing network issue. No applications can accessible in FTTH migrated offices. NI Team looking the issue.

Both Finacle and SAP accessible too slowly in NSP2 network.

Both Finacle and SAP inaccessibility noticed in NSP2 

@0715 hours
Good morning . EOD completed . DC closure 3rd menu in progress. Finacle is accessible. Thank you

SAP is restored and applications are working fine . Login error resolved ..but little bit slowness observed in accessing IPVS /DPMS.

SAP Update 10/01/2023 @ 0600hours

All app servers are on RMS units kindly check if SAP logon issue is resolved in all the systems irrespective of OS. Inaccessibility issue . showing 500 or 503 server error is being looked into by TCS. We will revert back on this shortly.

Finacle Update 10/01/2023 @0600 hours

Finacle inaccessibility issue still persist. Team is working on it.

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