Collection of vacancy position in the Grade of PS Group B

Collection of vacancy position in the Grade of PS Gr. 'B' Officers

F. No. 9-20/2021-SPG-II
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts (SPG-II Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001 Dated: 03rd January, 2023
Subject: Collection of vacancy position in the Grade of PS Gr. 'B' Officers - Reg.
All the Circles/Units are requested to furnish the vacancy position as on 01.01.2023 in the Grade of PS Gr. Officer as per Annexure-I.

2. The information may also be emailed as an MS Excel File on indicating the subject as - Vacancy Position in the Grade of PS Gr 'B' officer as on 01.01.2023.

3. Following points may be noted while furnishing the information:

(i) The officers on Deputation with other Department/Ministry etc. should not be included in the in-position strength of PS Gr 'B' officer in Annexure-I and their details must be additionally furnished as per Annexure-II. Details of officers, currently on deputation with APS, are required to be furnished in the Annexure-II.

(ii) Transfer cases: Incumbency position of an officer, who is transferred to a Circle but not joined therein, should be shown against that allotted Circle only. The respective allotted Circle in this regard may indicate the details of such officers.

(iii) Promotion cases: Incumbency position of an officer, who is transferred/allotted on promotion to a Circle but not assume charge of the promoted post, should be shown against that allotted Circle only. The respective allotted Circle in this regard shall indicate the remarks "Not yet joined" in respect of such officers against the column of "Date of Joining in the PS Gr. cadre." Details of such officers should also be considered as "in position" in respective allotted Circles in Table-1.

(iv) Ad hoc promotion cases in JTS/ PS Gr.B: Officers holding substantive post of PS Gr.B grade should only be included.

4.All the Circles/Units are also requested to give utmost attention to the format and accuracy of details while furnishing all the requisite particulars. The said information is to be furnished to the undersigned before 13.01.2023.

(Hemant Kumar)

2.Directors, RAKNPA/PTCS

3.Addl. DG, APS, Delhi

4.GMs, Parcel/PLI/BD Directorate/CEPT.

Assistant Director General (SPG)

GM(CEPT), Mysore with a request to upload the OM on the India Post Website.


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