Write an application for activating silent account in Post Office

When there has been no deposit or withdrawal in an account for three consecutive financial years, it is considered silent. Interest is not considered a deposit when it is deposited in the account. On the last working day of each financial year, service costs of Rs.20/- would be deducted from quiet accounts with balances below the required minimum. If the amount becomes Nil after deducting the service charge, the account will be automatically closed.

Revival of Silent Account:

Silent accounts can be revived by any Departmental Post Office. A depositor must produce an application for account revival and the passbook, as well as an application for withdrawal or deposit, in order to revive a silent account. If the balance falls below the minimum, the Postmaster will make sure that the deposit amount is sufficient to bring the balance up to the minimum.

Application for Revival of Silent account

The Postmaster,


I/We________________________________________is /are depositor(s) of account number _____________________under Savings Account scheme standing at your office. The said account was opened on __________________and become silent from ______________.

I / We hereby request for revival of the account for further use.

I / We have understood the terms and conditions applicable to the account for revival under the said scheme as amended from time to time and shall abide by them.

I / We hereby declare that I / We, and the minor ( in case of minor account) continues to be Resident Citizen of India at the time of commencement of the revival.


Date: Signature of the account holder(s)/guardian
(Name and address)

Application form / Request letter for revival of silent SB Account [Post Office]

Download Silent Account revival application by clicking the below link

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