Strategy to achieve Old Pension Scheme - NJCM Letter

National Joint Council of Action
4. State Entry Road New Delhi-110055

The Presidents/General Secretaries.
All Constituent Organizations and State Federations Fighting Against the NPS

Dear Comrades,
Sub: Strategy to achieve Old Pension Scheme

Dated: December 12, 2022

We are very thankful to all of you for making first meeting of the Joint Forum called by the NJCA on 17th November, 2022.

As was decided in the aforementioned meeting of the NJCA, we will hold another meeting of the aforesaid forum in the first week of January 2023 we are calling a meeting on 7th January, 2023 at 10:30 hrs, at the same venue, i.e. J.P. Chaubey Memorial Library, AIRF Office Premises, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi. We are requesting all of you to kindly make it convenient to attend the said meeting to discuss and decide future course of action.

Since in the said meeting it was also decided to hold a National Convention, we will be holding a "National Convention" on Old Pension Scheme in Pearey Lal Bhawan, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, Delhi, on 21st January, 2023 to decide the plan of action and schedules for the future programmes.

We sincerely hope that, you will reserved the date for attending aforementioned National Convention.

Results of the recently held Himachal Pradesh Assembly have given lot of encouragement to the Government Employees and Teachers, therefore, this is the right time to bring all the forces at one platform fighting for achieving Old Pension Scheme. Please contact them and invite them for the "National Convention".

With Fraternal Greetings,
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra) Convener


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