SOPs regarding reconciliation of Revenue earned vs revenue realized

No. 27-15/2022-PO

Department of Posts (PO Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
All Heads of Circles

Subject: Reconciliation of revenue earned vs revenue realized

This is in continuation of this Departments O.M No. PA/CSI/04/16-1/2022-23, dated 17/11/2022 (copy enclosed) regarding account management of post offices which was circulated to all Heads of Circle including inter-alia detailed instructions on variation in revenue earned from BNPL / Advance Customer.

2. One of the issues detailed therein was the comparison of "Revenue Earned" with "Revenue Realized". As you may be aware prior to the implementation of SAP- F&A module, services availed by the BNPL / Advance Customers were brought into the cash account only on receipt of payment from these customers against the monthly bill raised. Subsequent to the implementation of SAP-F&A module, the amount received from such customers is automatically accounted for by the system on the generation of the bill. This results in excess revenue realization even when the amount is not collected from the customer.

3. In view of the above, to ensure that BNPL / Advance Customers bills should be taken into cash account only on receipt of payment, the process of executing F-28 for BNPL customers and F-32 (for Advance Customer) for adjustment of advance, needs to be scrupulously followed. As a consequence of this procedure not being followed, there is a variation between revenue earned and revenue realized in post offices.

4. In order to address the above issues, the Divisional Heads in the Circle may be directed to monitor the timely execution of the F-28 and F-32 processes as highlighted in the cycle provided in Annexure "A" and only bills of current financial year (2022-23), should be settled through F-28/ F-32 process, so that data with regard to BNPL / Advance Customers can be properly synced to give the exact figures. Copy of the procedures to carry out the monitoring as detailed above are provided in Annexure "B" and "C" attached herewith.

Encl: As above.

(Aparajita Mridha) ADG (PO)
Ph No. 011 23096005
Copy to Sr. DDG (PAF) w.r.t letter no. PA/CSI/04/161/2022-23 for information please.

  • Understanding of Business cycle and Accounting cycle for Retail, BNPL and Advance Customer.
  • Processing of Incoming payment through SAP T Code F-28
  • SOP on advance customer settlement process F-32 with special indicator W
  • SOP on Franking /Philately Customer settlement process using F-32 with special indicator G
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