FNPO Periodical meeting with DG Posts

Periodical meeting with DG Posts on 21.12.2022 for FNPO affiliates

Government of India 
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 
Dated. 09-12-2022

Subject:Periodical Meeting with FNPO affiliated Service Associations with DG (Posts) on 21-12-2022 in Department of Posts, New Delhi - regarding.
The undersigned is directed to intimate that Periodical meeting with the representatives of the FNPO affiliated Service Associations will be held at 10.30 AM on 21-12-2022 under the Chairmanship of DG (Posts) in G.P. Roy Committee Room, 2nd Floor, Dak Bhawan. Two representatives of each Service Associations are requested to attend the said meeting i.e. General Secretary along with one representative.

2. The sequence of the activities during the meeting will be as below, followed by working lunch: i) Welcome address by DDG (SR)
ii) Introductory remarks by DGPS
iii) Presentation on various orders issued by Dte. during last two years on Staff Welfare/demands of Associations
iv) Discussions on agenda points
v) Vote of thanks by Director (SR)

You are, therefore, requested to make it convenient to attend the said meeting on stipulated date and time.

Secretary General, FNPO and General Secretaries of
1. National Association of Postal Employees Gr. 'C'.
2. National Union of Postal Employees Postmen & MTS Gr. 'C'.
3. National Union of RMS & MMS Employees Gr. 'C'.
4. National Union of Postal Civil Wing Non-Gazetted Employees.
5. National Union of RMS & MMS Employees Mail Guards & Group D

Copy for necessary action to:
1.Sr. PPS to DG (Posts)
2.Sr. PPS to Member (P)
3.CGM (PD) with the request to attend the said meeting.
4.DDG (Estt.) with the request to attend the said meeting.
5.DDG (MO) with the request to attend the said meeting.
6.DDG (P) with the request to attend the said meeting.
7.DDG (Tech.) with the request to attend the said meeting.
8.DDG (FS) with the request to attend the said meeting. 
9.DDG (PBI) with the request to attend the said meeting.
10.CE (Civil) with the request to attend the said meeting.
11.Copy for information to: Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts).

(Sushil Bhushan) 
Director (SR &Legal)


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