Enable Autopost for all RD SI in Finacle

Please find the eMail received from CPC, Chennai regarding modification in RD SI Entries.

In this regard all are requested to do the following steps;

Ø Take a report of SB TO RD Standing Instruction from HFINRPT.

Ø Go to HSSIM à Modify à Enter SI IN Number

Ø Select ‘YES’ under ‘Auto Post’ option

Ø And Verify the same in HSSIM individually.

Please do this action to all RD SI entries at your office.

Otherwise all SI entries would be come in ‘Entered’ status at the time of running of next automatic execution.

Thanks & Regards,

CBS CPC Tamil Nadu Circle
Chennai – 600006
Contact No. 044 - 28295964/65

RD SI Entries in Entered State | RD SI Entries | RD Standing Instructions | Recurring Deposits | Autopost in RD Account | RD Account AUPOST in SI | HSSIM - RD Account | SB to RD Auto Credit | Post RD Account SI entries to Post

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