Postal Week Celebration - Introduction of software changes [Expected]

1. e-Passbook for POSB customers is being launched during the postal week. The facility will be available both through PostInfo App as well as through url. Customer doesn’t need net banking or mobile banking facility to access e-Passbook. It will be available to every account holder through 2F authentication. However, linking correct mobile number with the account will be a mandatory condition to access e-Passbook. 9 schemes would be made available in a phased manner. Balance enquiry, mini statement and statement downloadi facility would be available for the account holders. Customers need not come to post office to get the passbook updated and help in overcoming recurrent complaint about non-availability of passbook printer etc. This will make POSB transactions more secure as customer can access details of his account anytime and anywhere.

2. DG Sir had asked to introduce OTP based mobile number validation for certain category of transactions. The same is being deployed as well.

3. Facility for credit into SSA, PPF, RD and LARD accounts through UPI is also expected to be made operational during the week.

Source : Received as forwarded through WhatsApp


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