POSB(CBS) Manual Rule No 57(d)1 | Allowing withdrawal through SB-7

(d) Allowing withdrawal through SB-7:

(i) Once counter PA is satisfied that signatures of depositor (s) agreed or depositor is identified, he may enter the amount of withdrawal in the concerned account by using CTM menu of FINACLE CBS Software and submit entry along with withdrawal form to supervisor for validation if amount exceeds Rs.5000/-. Counter PA should write Transaction ID on the upper right-hand corner of SB-7 in red ink prefixed by scheme name e.g. SB, RD, TD, MIS etc. In case amount of withdrawal is up to Rs.5000/-, Counter PA should himself sign on the warrant of Payment and ask depositor or agent or witness as the case may be to sign in the receipt portion by writing amount sought to be withdrawn in words and figures.

Cash should be paid and Passbook should be updated through Passbook printer. In case amount is more than Rs.5000/-, SB-7 should be handed over to Supervisor for allowing transaction at Supervisor level. Supervisor should also tally signature(s) of Depositor (s) with that available in the FINACLE CBS Software and if he is satisfied put initials at the relevant place. Accept witness if depositor is illiterate. Supervisor should open CTM menu through his/her own login ID in FINACLE CBS Application, enter Transaction ID written on SB-7 and validate the withdrawal in the CBS software. Once Transaction ID is verified, sign warrant of payment. If there is any doubt as to the signature(s), he can ask the counter Assistant to get the depositor(s) identified and resubmit the withdrawal. On resubmission, if he is still not satisfied, he can reject the withdrawal in the system and return withdrawal form to the Counter PA who will return the same to the Depositor(s) or agent. Withdrawal form should then be returned to Counter PA who will ask depositor or agent or witness as the case may be to sign in the receipt portion by writing amount sought to be withdrawn in words and figures.

Note 1: - A minor cannot appoint an agent to act for him and must attend the post office personally to withdraw money if account is directly operated by him/her.

Note 2: - When the difference in the signature is due to slight change in the mode of signing by the depositor with the lapse of time after furnishing the specimen on record, etc., the Postmaster may, in his/her discretion, obtain a fresh specimen signature in the KYC Form (in duplicate) for his/her record, if in his/her opinion this is necessary to avoid inconvenience to the depositor subsequently and send one copy of KYC Form to CPC for further processing.

Note 3: - In single handed sub offices, SPM will work as Counter PA as well as Supervisor but has to use both login IDs separately.

Note 4: - If any Savings Accounts Depositor requests for Postmaster’s cheque towards withdrawal from Savings Account, it may be issued on receipt of written request from the Depositor. In CBS Application, the procedure prescribed for Transfer of Funds shall be followed and the amount of withdrawal shall be credited to Postmaster’s Cheque Account (SOLID+0340).

(ii) When depositor is illiterate or blind or physically disabled, his/her thumb impression/mark has to be obtained on acquittance portion of warrant of payment side and the literate witness should, certify as “The depositor is known to me and has received Rs. _______ by putting his/her thumb impression in my presence.” There is no objection to the Postmaster or a Clerk (if the Postmaster or Clerk is not performing the duties of the savings bank Clerk) or a Postman or Village postman or MTS witnessing the Thumb Impression, provided that he is personally acquainted with the person whose Thumb Impression is attested. The Postmaster should see that the entries and attestation in such cases are clear and legible so that they can be easily checked. After completion of transaction, Passbook should be updated through Passbook printer. Full address and contact number (if available) of the witness should be obtained on SB-7. In the CBS Application same procedure to be followed as prescribed for literate depositor.

(e) In case of blind/visually impaired depositors operating their accounts independently, same procedure as prescribed for illiterate depositors will be followed. Also, for all cash withdrawals, the blind/visually-impaired person should be advised to come in person only. Cash payments to a blind/visually impaired either literate or illiterate should always be made in the presence of a witness who is personally acquainted with the depositor and known to post office who will attest signatures/thumb impression of the depositor on the application side and certify on the warrant of payment the amount actually paid to the blind/visually impaired depositor.

Note 1: Thumb impression mark of illiterate depositors who desire to open an account in POSB may be obtained on the application for opening an account by using printer’s ink, or magenta ink.

Note 2: At the time of withdrawal from a minor account opened through guardian, the following certificate is required to be given by the guardian on the withdrawal form (SB-7):-

“Certified that the amount sought to be withdrawn is required for the use of Shri/Kumari………….who is minor and is alive this day”.

Source : POSB(CBS) Manual Page 101 Rule No 57 (d)1


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