Clarification in PLI sales force Business

 Clarification in respect of sales force Procuring PLI Postal Life Insurance Business – Order Dated 18.10.2022
Letter Number No. 28-03/2019-LI
Letter Dated 18.10.2022
Issued by PLI Directorate
Subject Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI / RPLI – Clarification in respect of sales force
Signed By AD PLI
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This is regarding the promotional and incentive structure of PLI/RPLI, circulated vide PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020 and implemented in Circles w.e.f. 01.07.2020.

2. In this connection, the following is clarified in respect of sales force procuring PLI/RPLI business Incentive Structure:

PLI RPLI Incentive Issues for Sales Force Clarification for PLI RPLI Sales Force
To do away with age condition of 45 years of maximum age for DO (PLI) posts. The upper age limit of DO is now increased from 45 years to 55 years.
To allow LSG/HSG officials to work as DO (PLI) if they are fit for marketing. LSG/HSG officials are now permitted to be eligible for selection as DO. The selection procedure prescribed in Annexure-II of PLI Directorate OM No. 28-03/2019-LI dated 19.06.2020 will be applicable.
Whether PLI/RPLI agent code of the GDSs have to be terminated or not after their promotion as MTS/ Postman / PA? GDSs are entitled to claim incentive after their  promotion as MTS/Postman/PA for the policies procured before their promotion. Further, old GDS agent code may be linked with the new DE agent code allotted to promoted GDS for getting the benefits of incentive of the policies which were procured by him as GDS. Presently, there is no provision to link 2 Agent IDs in system. Therefore, old GDS agent ID may remain in the system and benefits of old GDS procured policy may continue to be paid to the official who has become a permanent Departmental Employee for the time being till the link up of 2 Agent IDs in system is enabled. However, the condition of procuring 4 new policies in a year is not applicable in case of these old GDS agent ID since he/she is no longer a GDS. It may be regularised accordingly.
Whether the GDSs are entitled to claim incentive after their promotion as MTS/Postman/PA for the policies procured before their promotion?
Renewal / first year incentive/commission entitled to DO PLI for PLI/RPLI business obtained before joining as DO PLI as DE category or otherwise. Procurement and renewal incentive may be paid to DO for the policies procured by him as DE.Presently, there is no provision to link 2 Agent IDs in system. Therefore, old DE agent ID may remain in the system and benefits of old DE procured policy may continue to be paid to DO for time being till the link up of 2 Agent IDs in system is done. However, the condition of procuring 4 new policies in a year will not be applicable in case of these old DE agent ID. It may be regularised accordingly.
In case of PLI/RPLI agent/sales force profile transfer from one Division to another Division (Rule 38 cases or other reason) kindly share process to change coordinator profile in McCamish Due to issue in process of Agent Transfer, all such requests are being forwarded by Circles to the CEPT Team and CEPT Team is making the Required changes in the Hierarchy of Agents/Sales force through backend process.
In cases as mentioned in para (vi) above, which Division will pay incentive to sales force after transfer? The Division where the official is working currently will pay the incentive as his agent code is transferred to the new Division. The incentive for the past period, if still remain unpaid, will also be paid by the new Division after obtaining requisite confirmation certificate of non-payment from previous Division.
Departmental employee code to be continued after transfer or new code to be allotted after transfer? As per the backend process being followed by CEPT team, no new code is generated from the system and old code only gets transferred.  
Which Division has power in case of transfer sales force profile from one Division to another Division for renewal of agency, suspension, termination etc.? Power of renewal of agency, suspension, termination etc. is vested with the Division where the official is currently posted.


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