Draft Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2017

Draft Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2017

X- 07/17/2022 SPN-II
Government of India 
Ministry of Communications 
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001 Dated:12 September, 2022
1. All Chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General 
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/PLI Directorate 
3. Director, RAKNPA/GM, CEPT/Directors of All PTCS
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 
Subject: Draft Combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts for the year 2017- regarding 
I am directed to refer to the above-mentioned subject and to say that the preparation of All India Combined Seniority List of Inspector Posts cadre for the year 2017 was under consideration in the Directorate. As per information received from Departmental Examination Section, records available in SPN-II Section and advice of the Department of Personnel & Training on placing of Direct Recruits, draft All India combined seniority list of Inspector Posts for the year 2017 has been attempted/prepared in the following manner:

(a) Rotation of two Inspector Posts from LDCE and one from Direct Recruitment. 
(b) Remaining promote employees (LDCE) are placed en-bloc below the candidates who are already placed in the seniority list. (c) SC/ST candidates qualified under Review result, if any. (d) Personnel serving in Army Postal Service have been placed en-bloc below the officials at (a) (b) & (c) above on the basis of information furnished by the Circle concerned, if any. 

2. The officials who secured same marks in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination have been clubbed together and their inter se seniority shall be decided in the following manner 

(i) In case of the officials belonging to same feeder cadre, the date of their joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e., who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be senior. If their date of joining in the feeder cadre is also same, the date of birth will be the criteria i.e., the person age wise senior will figure ahead of junior in the seniority list: 
(ii) In case of he officials belonging to different feeder cadres, official in the higher grade will be deemed to be senior to those in lower grade 

(iii) In case of officials belonging to different feeder cadres with identical scales of pay, the date of their joining in the feeder cadre will be the criteria i.e., who had joined the feeder cadre earlier will be senior. If their date of joining in the feeder cadre is also same, the date of birth

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