Compilation of instructions on incentive scheme for pick up, booking and delivery of Speed Post

Compilation of instructions on incentive scheme for pick up, booking and delivery of Speed Post.

Incentive scheme for pick up, booking and delivery of Speed Post.

Department of Posts 
Business Development & Marketing Directorate

5th Floor, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
No. 57-01/2005-BD&MD
June 17, 2012
All Heads of Circle

Subject:Compilation of instructions on incentive scheme for pick up, booking and delivery of Speed Post.

It has come to notice that instructions issued by BD Dte from time to time on incentive scheme for pick up booking and delivery of Speed Post are not being followed properly by the field units.

2 Instructions on incentive scheme issued from time to time are compiled as below for reiteration 22 Incentive scheme for stations where no separate posts have been sanctioned for Speed Post (Directorate letter No. 43-17/90-D dated 16.11.90).

(a) An incentive @ 50 paise per article will be paid to the officials detailed to pick up Speed Post articles from the premises of customers either on daily basis or specified days subject to a maximum amount of Rs.5/- per customers premises. (b) An incentive @ 50 paise per article will be paid to the official who is detailed to book Speed Post articles in such centres where no separate counter has been provided for booking of Speed Post articles and such officials are asked to book Speed Post articles in addition to their normal allotted counter duties. (c) An incentive @ 50 paise per article correctly delivered in time will be paid to the official entrusted for delivery of Speed Post articles alongwith other articles allotted as per their normal duties/workload.

2.3 Incentive scheme for stations where separate posts have been sanctioned for Speed Post (Directorate letter no. 43-17/90-D dated 24.12.90).

(a) The officials deployed for picking up Speed Post articles from the customer's premises will be paid @ 50 paise per article collected prompt subject to maximum of Rs. 5/- per customer's premises visited. 

(b) The officials deployed for booking of Speed Post articles at the counters will be paid an incentive money @ 75 paise per article, booked over and above the threshold level specified for the stations. In case of articles booked under special journal maximum limit of incentive money will be Rs. 5/- per customer.

(c) For determining threshold, the traffic figure of 15% of the average daily figure will be added with average daily traffic figure calculated with reference to monthly averages of the whole previous calendar year.

(d) The officials deployed for delivery of Speed Post articles will be paid @ 50 paise per article delivered correctly and promptly, provided number of articles returned undelivered due to reasons other than those of customers promises being closed' or refused by the customer' is NIL! If the number of articles returned as undelivered due to the reasons other than those mentioned above, exceeds 2% of the total number of articles assigned for delivery to individual postman, no incentive will be paid to such officials. If the number of articles delivered is more than 98% but less than 100% of the articles given for delivery, the officials will be paid 25 paise per article. The percentage will be calculated on monthly basis and fraction less than one should be ignored in determining percentage of efficiency.

2.4 Asper BD Die Lotter No. 58-14/2002-BDD dated 23. 12 2002 'The instructions contained in para 2.3 of 43-17/99-D did 24. 12. 1990 (as reiterated in sub para (b) below para 2.3 above) is applicable for payment of incentive to the officials handling BNPL articles
2.5 Besides, queries of Circles clarified from time to time vide Dre letter No. 43. 17/89-D dated 29.9.92 and no. 43-17/89-D dated 19.6.91 are also relevant
3. These provisions may be brought to notice of a concerned for strict observance and adherence. Any violence of these instructions in future should be viewed seriously
(Arvind Varma) Deputy General Manager (0)

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