Sanctioned strength of posts in various cadres in the Department as on 01.08.2022

Sanctioned Strength of Posts in Various Cadres in the Department as on 01.08.2022-  DOP

No. Q-25/33/2022-PE-I-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PE·I Section)

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 11th August, 2022

All Heads of Circles.

Subject: Sanctioned strength of posts in various cadres in the Department as on 01.08.2022

As you are aware, an extensive exercise has been undertaken by the Circles under the directions of the Directorate to reconcile the sanctioned strength of posts in various cadres while ensuring that the orders for abolition/creation of posts issued by the Directorate from 2001 onwards have been implemented and appropriately accounted for and the establishment registers have been updated accordingly.

2. After completion of the exercise, the reconciled sanctioned strength of posts in various cadres was collected from the Circles recently. The figures collected from the Circles, after this extensive exercise, have been compiled and listed below with observations (if any):

(i) Mail Motor Service (MMS) Group ‘A’ – The sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – A.

(ii) Postal Services Group ‘B’ – The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – B.

(iii) Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPOs) – The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – C.

(iv) Mail Motor Service (MMS) other than Group ‘A’ – The Circle·wise sanctioned strength of var10us posts are placed at Annexure -D to F.

(v) Inspector Posts: The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – G.

(vi) Postal Operative Side: From the consolidated information of sanctioned strength and man-in-position reported by the Circles, it is observed that most the Circles have still not followed the instructions issued vide letter no. 25-04/2012·PE-I dated 05.12.2018 (reiterated on 03.02.2022). Further, in some Circles the sanctioned strength of Postal Assistants has gone down below the number which was to be achieved by the Circles after creation of all the posts in LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I & HSG-I (NFG) grades allocated to them after Cadre Review. Probably, the difference is due to abolition of PA posts, ordered to be abolished under ADRP earlier. As clarified vide Dte. letters dated 05.12.2018/03.02.2022, the sanctioned strength in PA will keep on decreasing simultaneously with every incumbent joining the newly created posts in LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I and HSG-I (NFG). Therefore, in Annexure – H, a fixed range of number lower limit and upper limit) of PA, LSG, HSG- II, HSG-I & HSG-I (NFG) posts have been prescribed for guidance of the Circles. In Postal Assistant Cadre, the upper limit shows the number of posts before Cadre Review and the lower limit shows the number of posts after Cadre Review, which is to be achieved by the Circles after creation of all the posts in LSG, HSG¬ II, HSG-I & HSG-I (NFG) grades allocated to them after Cadre Review. In LSG, HSG-II & HSG-I grades, the lower limit shows the strength before Cadre Review after adding the posts of Postmasters Cadre of the respective Circles and the upper limit shows the strength after Cadre Review after adding the posts of Postmasters Cadre. In HSG-I (NFG), only upper limit has been prescribed as the grade did not exist before Cadre Review. In this regard, the Circles are requested to fill up the 3rd Column of PA, LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I grades and 2nd Column of HSG-I (NFG) and furnish to the Directorate, on quarterly basis (i.e. information/data as on 01st April/1st July/1st October/1st January) and the information should invariably reach the Directorate by 05th of the following month. For example, information for the ongoing quarter, i.e . July to Sept., 2022 should reach Directorate by 05.10.2022 positively , so that the Directorate can maintain a record and have a watch on the number of posts achieved by the Circles. Orders issued by the Circle Office for abolition/creation of posts, during the quarter, may also be sent with the quarterly report.

(vii) Railway Mail Service (RMS): The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – I. The posts of LSG (Ale) in RMS have been included in the posts of LSG (RMS) and the posts of Sorting Compilers and Accountants have been included in the posts of Sorting Assistants.

(viii) Savings Bank Control Organization (SBCO): The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – J.

(ix) Circle/Regional Offices (CO/RO): The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – K. The posts of RLO have been included in the strength of CO/RO in the respective grades in terms of Personnel Divisions letter no. X-12/6/202 1-SPN-II(2) dated 11.02.2022.

(x) Postman, Mailguard & MTS: The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – L.

(xi) Stenographers Cadre: The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – M. As per the last Cadre Review, implemented in the year 2016, the sanctioned strength of the Cadre was 783. However, as per the figures collected from the Circles after this exercise, the strength comes to 754. The difference in the figures may be due to abolition of Stenographers posts, ordered to be abolished under ADRP earlier and redeployment of some posts in PS level. As the Establishment Division has initiated the next Cadre Review of the Stenographers Cadre, the Circles are requested to supply the orders of abolition/redeployment so that the same can be supplied/provided to the Department of Expenditure (if required).

(xii) Departmental Canteen Posts: The Circle-wise sanctioned strength is placed at Annexure – N. Assam Circle and Maharashtra Circle have shown 50 and 13 posts respectively as other posts in Canteens. The Circles are requested to categories these posts in the 8 categories of posts of Departmental Canteens and furnish revised strength to the Directorate at the earliest.

3. The figures of sanctioned strength, as on 01.08.2022. are final and no req uests for further change shall be entertained . In future, any changes in these figures on account of creation/abolition/permanent redeployment of posts would be done by the Directorate only after receipt of supporting order/memo from Circles.

Yours faithfully,

Encl: as above.

(Tarun Mittal)
Asstt. Director General (PE·I)
Tele: 011·2304 4822

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