The undersigned is directed to inform that the Central Working Committee of AISBCO Union will pursue the following protest schedule in support of their charter of demands (copy enclosed).
No. 08/08/2022-SR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: 22/07/2022
All Heads of Postal Circles
Subject: Notice for Protest by AISBCOEU
The undersigned is directed to inform that the Central Working Committee of AISBCO Union will pursue the following protest schedule in support of their charter of demands (copy enclosed).
2. In this regard, it is to bring to kind notice that the instructions issued by the Department of Personnel & Training prohibit the Government servants from participating in any form of strike including mass casual leave, go slow etc. or any action that abets any form of strike in violation of Rule 7 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. Besides, in accordance with the provision to Rule 17 (1) of the Fundamental Rules, pay and allowances are not admissible to an employee for his/her absence from duty without any authority. The Supreme Court his also agreed in several judgments that going on strike is a grave misconduct under the Conduct Rules and that misconduct by the Government employees is required to be dealt with in accordance with the law. Any employee going on strike in any form would face the consequences which, besides deduction of wages, may also include appropriate disciplinary action. In this connection, attention is also invited to DOP&T’s O.M. No. 3301211(s)/2008-Estt (B) (pt) dated 12th September, 2008.
3. In view of the above, it is requested that aforesaid instructions under Conduct Rules issued by the DOP&T and other regulations upheld by the Hon’ble Supreme Court may, therefore, be suitably informed to the Central- Government employees working in the Circles. Necessary instructions not to sanction Special Casual Leave or other kind of leave to employees if applied for, during the period of the proposed strike/dharna/demonstration and ensure that the willing employees are allowed hindrance – free entry into the office premises may be issued. Necessary steps may also be taken as per the instructions issued under Contingency Plan vide this office letter No. 08-01/2019-SR dated 03.05.2019 for handling the strike/dharna/demonstration situation. The GDS may also invite action in terms of provisions contained in GDS (Service and Conduct), Rules. The staff may also be apprised of the fact that the Department is committed to consider the issues raised by federation within the framework of the existing rules and instructions of the Government of India/Department of Posts.
4. This may please be given wide circulation at all levels. The receipt of this letter may also be acknowledged.
Enclosed: As above.
Yours faithfully,
(Sushil Bhushan)
Director ( SR & Legal)
Copy for necessary action to:
1. AS & FA/ ST. DDG PAF.
2. Director Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad-201 002, (U.P.).
3. CGM BD/ Parcel, PLI Directorate
4. Secretary (PSB)/ All DDGs.
s. All Directors, Postal Training Centers.
6. AII Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal).
Copy for information to:
Sr. PPS to Secretary (Posts)/DG (Posts)/ PPSs to all Members
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